Thursday, November 11, 2004

Hey....Thursday again

Meaning....that I going to start work tonight after all the "rest".....hehehe, I have got a one "good torturing" rest period. Happy time!!!! I am looking to my rest days again. This make life fun and boil up the blood...not the angry sense but the happy type of sense.
Last night...go for a quickie one but I was so full and still managed to get one in. Ice Kachang and came home to clean up the fish tanks. Sweat out the ice kachang and the chicken rice after 2 hours and it was done for all the tanks. Man!
Before sleep...made choc cake, one big pile of shxxx. A pain in the ass after that...can rest so not that bad. Listen to my music....some nice songs from china, in fact it is from Tibet very cool but wife not happy. Too bad...I will enjoy by myself becoz it was sing with their own language. Sort of "new age style". One of those you like it or hate it type.
Man! time passed so fast....just when I am having a great time.
Thanks to my love one......yes! Agree?


Unknown said...

u must have felt good after making those chocolate cake.

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

Superd!....lighten. But asshole pains hehehe. Great feeling to let loose the shits.


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tO hAVe FuN wiTH mY liFe aND aLsO wAnT mY loVED oNeS tO hAVE tHE SaME tOO. :) bUt iN rEAL LiFe tHaT sHouLd bE sOOn.