Thursday, February 28, 2008

4D and Toto

No luck....but luckily cut down to less than $150 per session. Will be cut further.

Went to Punggol Plaza to buy TOTO there, btw there was a winning ticket from

there sold on Dec 07 jackpot prize of 1.5+ million.

I also do some marketing at the NTUC....for $90 I bought 4 bags full of food stuffs

including 2 pkts of frozen instant sharkfin until my freezer section is packed full.

I must be crazy to throw away $600 to 700 per session for 4D....on hind sight, still

lucky that I wake up early....frankly in part by the advert on gambling prevention

showing a man trying to talk his child into giving up her piggy-bank. MAN! it

hits "home" strongly for wake up or end-up like the guy in the ad. chase after money thru gambling esp without much chance of

ever hitting the jackpot. I don't have the snake's blessing yet hehehe :)

Now for TOTO.....just spend $21 per session on my dad's numbers 6 sets of

system 7 ( total $21 per session ). This is affordable.

Just some funny jokes.

Boy 1: Why do you run from a naked lady?
Boy 2: Becos my mum said that if I look at a naked lady, I'll turn into stone.
A part of me is getting hard already!

An arab was being interviewed at a US checkpoint.
'Your name pls.'?
"Abdul Aziz "
"Sex? "
"Six times a week!! "
"No, no, I mean male or female! "
"Doesn't matters, sometimes it can even be a camel !"

Sex is like a restaurant.
Sometimes you get full satisfactory service,
and sometimes you have to be satisfied with own self-service.

What makes a happy man?
Daughter on the cover of cosmo.
Son on the cover of sports illustrated.
Mistress on the cover of playboy and ......
Wife on the cover of "missing persons"

Why was the 2-piece swimsuit invented?
To separate the HAIRY section from the DAIRY section.

Teacher: What do you want to become?
Little Johnny: Doctor !!
Teacher: Why?
Little Johnny: Coz its the only profession where u can tell a woman to take off her clothes and ask her husband to pay for it.

Woman complaining to dentist: "It's so painful, I'll rather have a baby than have a tooth removed.."
Dentist: "Make up your mind soon, I'll adjust the chair accordingly."

Old lady, 85, a virgin, about to die.
She wants her tombstone to read : BORN A VIRGIN, LIVED A VIRGIN, DIED A VIRGIN.
The engraver shortened it to: " RETURNED UNOPENED "

75 yr old man got married to a 15 yr girl.
On their first night both were crying - why???
Coz she didn't know anything,
and he had forgotten everything.

Read, enjoy....and laugh.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

4D up-date. good news! I guess this could already confirmed that my present luck cycle is officially over for now. So...the next step is to cut down on 4D, and to save for better times in future. No point spending good money chasing over a bad idea....yes?

The fun is good while it lasted till 9/2....and since it is over, then gotto wake up to reality and put
my strength to do something else.

So for now.....just keep low profile and stay away for all forms of gambling be it TOTO, 4D or stock market. Wait for the day...the signal come from heaven hahaha.

Peace be with U..... :)

What will you find on your hubby's PC? - fr asiaone

A decision to perform some housekeeping functions on her husband’s personal computer led to a startling discovering for a young married woman.

After accidentally opening some files labelled as company information, she came across some homemade sex videos and photographs.

From the brand of underwear, she recognised the man in the videos and photos as her husband, as the underwear was a present from her to him.

What was more shocking was that the woman her husband was with was none other than her best friend.
The 31-year-old wife has been married for a year and has a one-year-old son with her husband, a dentist who was described as tall, handsome and with a good income.

After discovering his betrayal, she poured her heart out on her blog.

Described as being very pretty, and having a good figure even after becoming a mother, she says that her husband was very wrong to do what he did.

In her blog, she said her husband initially denied having an affair, but she claims to have evidence to say otherwise.

And it was after her accidental find that she realised her husband’s habit of video taping his sex acts.
In total, she retrieved 17 photographs and videos of him and her best friend in compromising positions from his computer, which she says were taken after they were married.

Recalling the incident last year during the Lunar New Year period, he had told her that wanted to go visit some friends. But she said instead he went to meet up with her friend and that was when the photos and videos were taken.

Online forums have been buzzing about the issue.

Some netizens are saying that men who are rich and handsome, are more likely to have affairs, and this case is just one example.

The wife has since changed her criteria for finding a life partner. Choosing someone who is very handsome no longer tops her list, as she now prefers someone honest and trustworthy. And because of her experience, that person also has to prove to her that he is so.

Some comments
Come on guys.....I knew all along that wife's best friend had been on the top list in sexual desires' survey and studies. BUT recording it and saving it in your PCs is risky, right especially if your wife likes to do some spring cleaning on your PCs.

I believe tomorrow's Sunday Times will have a feature on cases of more and more married women who commit adultery. Guess who derive the greatest satisfaction out of this trend? Men who sleep around, matrimonial case lawyer$, operator$ of transit hotel$ and private investigator$ :) I think these women probably think they have been missing out on the fun of (straying) married men and wants to bonk around as much too. The times they are changing; next time, a simple conversation over a meal between two individuals would also include the "mundane" topic of how many "cheats" have you committed alongside talking about your job and your family. Viva le gender equality!

All these marital/extra-marital problems and heartaches are the result of some idiots in the past who came up with this 1 man-1 woman concept which is totally against nature. "Faithful" men have been suffering in silence since, to the glee of the women.If the attitude of women in this aspect remains strong, then looking into the not so near future, I foresee the collapse of marriage concept and lesbianism will be more of the norm.

Guess....this also can happen to both sexes, so if you want to "play" then do so with both eyes open! And don't leave back any "shit" for people to dig up.

Internet rape - are you safe? - fr asiaone

16-year-old Amanda (not her real name) is your typical teenager who enjoys hanging out with her friends and surfing the Internet.

There was something irresistible and liberating about the way she could just come home from school, throw her real identity out the window and take up whatever persona she liked online. With her cute nicknames, Amanda never fell short of online friends who enjoyed chatting with her.

Her favourite friend, though, was 29-year-old 'bikerboy2000', who was always sweet, considerate and knew exactly what to say. Both exchanged personal information and she soon found out his real name (for this purpose, let's call him John).

In return, Amanda revealed her own name, school and contact number without any qualms as she trusted him and wanted to meet him.

John finally asked her out for lunch three days later and Amanda agreed, albeit reluctantly at first. Her first impression of him was that John was shy and boyish. But his constant praise of her beauty had Amanda hooked - she felt like a princess in his company.

On their second date, John said he liked her a lot and asked Amanda to be his girlfriend. She was elated and couldn't believe her luck. She was so smitten that when John invited her to his place on their third date, she hurried over brimming with anticipation.

That was when Amanda's luck ran out. John started to get physically close to her, and when she pulled away and asked what he was up to, John attacked her. Dazed and confused, realisation slowly sank in. Amanda had been raped.

Time stood still - five, ten, even 20 minutes could have passed - she wasn't sure but after the ordeal ended, Amanda dashed out of John's house and ran straight home.

Her grades plummeted as Amanda battled with feelings of worthlessness, shame as well as the fear of pregnancy and parental rejection. She withdrew from her friends and family until she one day, she couldn't hold it back no longer.

She told her close friends about the awful experience and received intensive counselling. She made a police report and identified John, who's currently being investigated.

Amanda soon learnt that she wasn't the first girl that John had raped. Despite feeling angry at her own stupidity, she also learnt a valuable lesson from her experience. She's now a more Internet savvy user and understands what to do to avoid becoming a victim.

Her advice to fellow Internet chat addicts - NEVER reveal your identity or address online, as well as your school, mobile number or online profile (such as Friendster or Facebook) as your identity can be easily traced.

Be careful of people with seemingly innocent nicknames and dispositions online. Ultimately, do not meet up with strangers you meet while chatting, even if they insist on doing so.

After all, prevention is always better than cure.

Frankly - This too can happen to anyone....the young and naive, the older and risk-all, plus those who are just too itchy and anyhow go find trouble for themselves. Just about all sorts of people doing this...for just FUN?


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