Wednesday, February 02, 2005

KINSEY's theory on sex.

I went to watch the movie "KINSEY"...and I came away enlightened. Yah...that is the right word...ENLIGHTEN. My understanding of sex seem so hallow even when it comes to what
some people do the things they gay, les, swing and others eg bi. The movie does
explored most of these and also give some insights to people's thinking and preceptions to
them. Not all people take too kindly towards the actions of the above mentioned, but do
they have a right to control or condemn anyone who is not the same as themselves. While
they also are aware of some of their own actions. In sex....there is no right or wrong. Just
got to live with the consquence of one's actions or preferences. But still there shall be limits
....fine thin lines drawn in the sand where no one should cross. All these...are in the mind of
every one of us. Some always try to stretch that limits....they are the extremist but who is to
say that they are wrong.
As for me....I am still a old-fashion guy with some kinky ideas of my own. But I am opening
up....I may give swinging a try one day...maybe a soft swing for a start. honey is
very open minded about all these. I love her enough to trust her and her openness. I have to
keep up with times....learning about myself and others along the way. Never too late to start.
If there is any concern to me about the whole business of health. VD, aids, herpes
and others. You may never know these people too well. I lead a healthy extreme
this and that, so I fear it. Even when come to drinking...I too have limts.

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