Friday, April 06, 2007

A record...for fines in a week.

Wa...lua, no luck....worst! bad luck becoz for the past 3 days I kena 2 "fine". 1 for passing the ERP without my cash card in the slot...and 1 more for not putting a coupon when I went to Chinatown with my old man to try some chinese food. The fine is more than the food bill...shit! Today...Good Friday, a holiday!

For the 1st one...didn't notice the ERP thing until almost out of the new Fort Canning road tunnel. "Mother of all ERP traps"...this LTA must be damn broke to do this. No wonder in Singapore those blood sucking ministers need pay increase. They make "big money" for the government mah....and nothing else for the people. They should be running big companies...oh now thinking back, running the government is the biggest company they can ever find. Bloody Mother of them all!!! Real cunning bunch. It is not so much about the money or the fine, it is a matter of how this comes about. If really so hard-up then please don't give back the $80 or so rebate for Road Tax. No body really cares about the rebate thing...unless there is more to it then it seem. Same thing for parking during Public Holiday, the government encourages "family value", sometimes people tend to forget to put coupon, frankly I don't really mind to paying whatever the government imposted...but I cannot stand the "method". I don't go to town I can forget about the full-day parking and also the ERP thing. I took out the cash card to pay for parking in Odnen old fashion system - still need to slot in the card when entering and leaving the parking area. Damn!

Guess in Singapore...there are many areas for improvement. ERP style parking system for all building for one, if the government needs more money....please have the guts to stop playing "father christmas" to the people. No say, "PEOPLE...please take care of yourself becoz we will be taking care of our own pockets for this year". We are people also...we have our big expenses too, big houses, big cars, big money sucking mxxtresses to maintance

Hehehe...hope everyone have a nice weekend and do remember "be careful", there are lots of blood suckers waiting.

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