Thursday, January 24, 2008

Stock market up-date on Thursday

Guessed after the blood letting is final more or less settled....I am counting and licking my wounds. Fxxked ....out of pocket another 20K and together with my earlier lost, I managed to lose about 30K. I can't even make that amount in 6 months but it took me 24 days to lose that amount. The thing is this....even with this amount, I must say that I am quite lucky becoz Sino-Environment managed to open with me justing losing 1.2K. I expected to stand-by to lose 10K for this counter alone. So...thank God! is better for me to rethink my option, to continue play and losing in the stock market or just wise-up and dumped the whole lot of the balance shares I am still keeping and call it a day.
Have already lost more than a million for playing it.

Life.....maybe this is not my cup of soup even after losing and spending so much energy and time to understand the market but still it always goes against my prediction. With the recession coming up in the US....which in turn will impact all the markets in the world, I may final throw in my hat and be smart....and give up this expensive hobby.

Would have enjoy myself and for my family to go on a long holiday but instead of that....end-up coughing the money to pay off my lost. Just so stupid....but I am not alone, most of the common punters and players also end-up with a big hole in their pockets too. Even the SocGen, now he is called a fraud just becoz he lost nearly 4 billions british pounds with his wrong bet on the market movement. When he makes money for the bank....he was an expert in what he is doing...but when market go into a melt-down? He is a devil.

So....what will be my final call? For that, it will depends on I can control myself and put myself doing other things. A change in direction for honey! you want to help me out on it?


wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

Better to wise up....spend my time with my honey and shoot some cum into her hahaha.

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

for just 24 days in 2008....I have already lost about half of what I lost for the whole of 2007.

and from the beginning of 2007 till now I have easily lost a 6 figure sum of money just playing the stock market. Yes! I did make about 45K at one time in Sept 2007 but now after minusing that amount I am out of the money for another 100K.

almost all of my family saving...gone thru my mistakes. How to make up to my family now?

guess I have to kill myself and make it look like an accident then only I can make good to them for all the saving.

Also true that almost everything I pay for it to let them save or for them to be able to save. But still all these came to nothing.


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tO hAVe FuN wiTH mY liFe aND aLsO wAnT mY loVED oNeS tO hAVE tHE SaME tOO. :) bUt iN rEAL LiFe tHaT sHouLd bE sOOn.