Friday, February 15, 2008

Movie vs real life story - A thing called Love is Blind!

No different....what happened in movie also happened in real life. The result is not funny at all for the victims in real life. In the movie...we laughed at the action and reaction but when this happened in real life, just remember someone will feel the heartaches, pain and anger - and the feeling is for REAL ( remember how you felt before? same goes to the rest of us too - those who actually knew and went thru all these with u ).

So it is keep this up-coming Ch2, quiet and secret from those who is unawared ( no harm for those who is in the blur ) Now....since the "young hero" has re-appear in the scene, frankly I felt a great relief becoz there will be "no need" for all the denials and the grand charades.

Life will go back to sq one again!!! Me....back to my rightful place which is to the end of the "Q", hahaha don't worry about me I still have my "humour" about the whole story and the coming Ch 2.

PS-see comment for some gentle reminders fr the earlier ch.


wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

since she has made it clear that her young hero has pop into the scene again, I can step backward and watch her happiness.

And to lend her a helping hand if she fell down again. Guess I can do that.

For myself....just gotto wake up from this nightmare and move on. What else can I do since I don't want to be "disown" hahaha.

Man! this is a good one.

Anonymous said...

Good example is Edison's Sex pictures, they are all over in the net.

So wat happened in the movies aso happened in real life.

Anonymous said...

Good example is Edison's Sex pictures, they are all over in the net.

So wat happened in the movies aso happened in real life.

Anonymous said...

recurring dream

for the past month, i kept having a recurring dream. though the dream is not the same, the storyline is the same. i dreamt about him and son and me. the storyline is the same. dreamt about us being together and being found out and then having to brave out together.

yeah, i wish. anyway, that was the dream, the first time i dream, i thought ok, but it recurred so many times, at least 5, in the past month.

and yesterday, i was just wondering. how does he feel sleeping beside her? a question he asked me before, wondered if he has the answer. does he kiss her when she sleeps, just like he kissed me when he came back from work that night? that was two years ago, but i remembered. how time flies, 2 years, and so much had happened. does he hug her when they sleep, just like he hugged me that night?

yes, how fast a love can change. within months and weeks. yes, when someone is down and sick, when another comes along, it's easy. yes, probably that was what happen to me too. i came along at the right time.

ok, dreams are for the night, it's day time now, so i should stop daydreaming.

Anonymous's answer - dun worry and soon your chance will come again to be together (him and son and u) but it won't last long too...same as before u happen to be here at this moment and ever so willing to risk it all over again for BLIND-LOVE!

Anonymous said...

the beginning of the end

the old blog should have been deleted long ago, was wondering why i held on to it. yup, after this, i will also go to yahoo to delete all the mails. i will also break the cd of songs. all no longer applies.

today i suddenly realise, all along i was the 3rd party.

as i look out of the window, the sky is bright and cheery, nothing to be sad.

marriage is a happy thing, so all sincere blessings from the bottom of my heart. finally, two people who are truly in love and should be together will finally be together, joyous occasion.

there is nothing for me to hide either. from henceforth, life renews itself.

Anonymous - looking at these blogs just can't help but laugh becoz at the end of it, still somethings will never change! Blind-love?
So...u same as me hahaha.

Anonymous said...

Actually life could be so simple. A roof under my head, A serene of peaceful moment and a day for me to rot myself by flooding myself with memories and procastinating my little one to be with me.

How i wish i could bring the little one out to my garden and share my joy of this magical evening. Telling him, this is the snail, a guardian angel? or that is a grasshopper, your playmates and even telling him the tuffle between the caterpillar and the slug while holding the little one in my arms. Yet again day light dreaming in my little hut.

Anonymous - yes! your chance has come hahaha his wife is down again and time for u to step up as a replacement. So funny...yes! life is simple for some indeed!

Unknown said...

Oi, young hero didn't appear. i have made my choice back in 2006. i will stick to my decision. occasionally, i'll daydream, but i can still break away from daydreaming and come back to reality. the reality is i have a family with Mr Tan, 3 children, with his mum, dad and brother all living under the same roof. I got to make this work out. This is my life, my family. I know where are my priorities.
i will not be there for him anymore. he has a wife, he can start a family. His wife will be there for him at his 'down' moment.
i have brought 3 children to this world, i cannot be selfish and always think of my own things. i should think more for them and be there for my children and ensure that they grow up properly, happy.

Anonymous said...

i will not be there for him anymore. he has a wife, he can start a family. His wife will be there for him at his 'down' moment. - this is what you think!

The trouble is that his wife is down ( expecting? )...not him, he is getting too active
hahaha...again! ( just watch his on-line record - "fishing" again and one day he will get "lucky"? maybe with you or other meats! )

And knowing will be tempted again to risk "everything" same as in 2006 just to spite yourself by some "sweet" whispering!

Anonymous said...

Now....I understand what you mean on why must use $$$ to buy love when we first met. To you...that
will only get at best some "temp loving".....

free! but willing LOVE is true LOVE. Yes! very true for women
to think this way.

I saluted you for that.

Anonymous said...

Oi, young hero didn't appear. i have made my choice back in 2006. i will stick to my decision. occasionally, i'll daydream, but i can still break away from daydreaming and come back to reality. the reality is i have a family with Mr Tan, 3 children, with his mum, dad and brother all living under the same roof. I got to make this work out. This is my life, my family. I know where are my priorities.

POWER! just for your info there is another "johnny" leaving comment on your blog at youtube. You really has a way to attract guys!
hahaha...oh, look like your brother-in-law has a sudden interest in your blog and children too.

My advice is, it is a biggest "NO-NO" to go that route. The result will be far far more worst than anything you had experienced till now with young hero, others and me.

Trusted me on that!


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