Saturday, February 16, 2008

REALITY CHECK on myself - by Osho

I feel I don’t allow my heart to open. When I was very young I rejected my parents. I felt good about being a bad little boy. Now I feel that everything that I thought was love was nothing.

This is a good insight. To understand that whatsoever you have called love up to now was not love, is one of the most meaningful insights. When it happens much becomes possible.

People go on thinking that they love, and that becomes their greatest illusion — and the sooner they are disillusioned the better. Love is such a rare thing that it cannot be so easily available to all. It is not; it is as rare as buddhahood, not less than that.

This insight is good but it will make you sad, very morose, and give you a certain gloom. But don’t be worried, because out of a dark night the morning is born. When the night is darkest the morning is closest. You will be very very morose and sad because whatsoever you were thinking was love was not, and you have lived in dreams and have been missing reality. When this insight dawns on you, you become very sad, almost dead.

Don’t try to escape from this state. Relax into it, let yourself be drowned in this sadness, and soon you will come out of it completely new. I can see even in your voice, in your eyes, in your very body, that a tremendous sadness is settling, allow it. The human tendency is not to allow it, to escape from it — to go to a hotel, to a cinema, to friends to talk nonsense, to do something to be occupied so that you can escape from this state. But if you escape you again miss something that was going to happen. Relax into it.


wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

Yes you are very very sad because whatsoever your thinking for love was not, and you have been living in dreams and have been missing reality.

So with this insight dawning on you, you become very sad, almost dead. true! mother-fucker!!

Don’t try to escape from this state. Relax into it, let yourself be drowned in this sadness, and soon you will come out of it completely new.

I can see even in your voice, in your eyes, in your very body, that a tremendous sadness is settling, allow it. The human tendency is not to allow it, to escape from it — to go to a hotel, to a cinema, to friends to talk nonsense, to do something to be occupied so that you can escape from this state. But if you escape you again miss something that was going to happen again. Relax into it.

So...So true! I always try to escape whenever this thing happened but somehow it returned to haunt me again and again. Now I shall follow this more bull-shitting my own self, no more denial....whatever happens in future so be it!

Just got to face...or relax into it hahaha.

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

So this grass smoking guru...does have some POWERs after all.

Salute guru!

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

Hahaha...frankly the problem is not really mine alone. I just got screw-up thinking of LOVE. At worst, I feel SAD and SILLY.

I am not burden with any child or baby! So...why am I so SAD? Maybe I should just live my life and stop trying to turn back the clock for others. No matter how close!

I must wise up that I...I am not GOD! Not my place to teach how one should act.


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tO hAVe FuN wiTH mY liFe aND aLsO wAnT mY loVED oNeS tO hAVE tHE SaME tOO. :) bUt iN rEAL LiFe tHaT sHouLd bE sOOn.