Thursday, June 12, 2008

Malaysian top judges talked about threats by their PM.

Shit! what new? The only thing positive about that someone from the inside "talk" about it.

The truth is can happen anywhere not just in Malaysia. At the end of the day....all these top people will still have to meet their "makers" for whatever god they pray to. The good thing is they are already old...and hopefully for the sake of the common people, the "maker" should send someone to pull them into hell for their own judgement and punishment. That would not be a pretty sight if what we see in Haw Par villa myth garden is true.

We....the common people just cannot stop their actions once they are voted into power becoz we are just tiny ants to them. In the best situation....we can only hope they are not too greedy or too powerful until they forget that it is the people who vote them into power.

Just look around the many "bad" leaders still alive that when they die "hell will over-flow". The sad thing is that we are now living in 2008.....but there are things going on that happened since "power is given to a few" or "power is in the hand of a few". These "a few" will do whatever to keep this "POWER" becoz they think this "POWER" is rightful theirs.

1 comment:

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

Not that I love to comment on these stuffs but it really sadden me to see some of the actions these so-called leaders do. FxxK!

Are they so terror that they are not afraid of "tehm burning in HELL" when they die? What are they thinking? Can live forever?


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