Saturday, January 10, 2009

chiam see time again.....hehehe

Well...again kena no 75 after a few times of no-go at the Waterloo temple this morning. Have to slow talk to Kuang Imm....that I valued her chiam see and see it as a guide to my whole month's advice.

For it goes, like a man going up a steep mountain with a tiger for company. For that....there shall be always fear and danger at all times as one
cannot predict what the tiger may do anytime. The good thing for that
due to past good deeds, I will be safe and will reached the mountain top as the
gods will protect me for harm. The advice is not to take any risk....and to be
alert to any danger and to act accordingly fast.

Yes...I do feel "sad and disappointed" to get this chiam see but on hind sight maybe it is a good thing. Let's look ahead...and to see the tree for the wood. Things may
be less stressful for myself and being happy, that too can be a great thing to have.
Happy in the sense of being care-free about not losing any more money to the stock market and having it in the bank accounts.

Btw....since the mid of last month, I have started to invest my last lot of money and
I am having sleep problems almost everyday. Sell too early....and I cursed myself for making less, hold and end-up with a bigger paper loss and again I cursed myself for being greedy. For the market....just cannot really see the trend of it. And what I bought again may not to good buys....the same old tired PRC shares. Up 1 cent and down 2 cents again.....up/down/up/down. hahaha.

After about 2 weeks of maddness....I am in the profit for only 876 with nearly 30K
of money invested plus the many sleepless time and worry. So....looking at the chiam see I am not surprised but really felt "enlighten" by it. Still got 50 lots of FiberChem and 20 lots of Raffles Edu which I have not pay up yet and the due date will be the next couple of trading days. Already both showing a paper loss of more than the money I made. SHIT lor.


wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

that is itchy mah.

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

thot i want to cut down of 4D but instead ramp-up to nearly 300 per week. shit!! again.

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

talk is easy....hehehe.

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

all the talks of Obama....and the CNY rally. Well....will maybe stay invested till then for the time being.

Anonymous said...

didn't heed the warning of the chaim see....lor, now with only the tiger by my side up the hill, bad feeling lei!!!!


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