Friday, January 16, 2009

Still continue with being an AIA agent

Still no change for my bosses do not allow me to resign from my job after nearly 20 years. And also due to my other working in Seagate, now just have to be "on the ball". Worst thing cut by 10%

The shitty thing is that I put in 3+ years to have an increase of 10% and in one quick move....I am back to sq one. The worst thing is that....still cannot confirmed about no retrenchment for us esp after suffering the pain of having to have a pay cut.

1 comment:

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

since the AIA bosses find that they don't have to paid a single cent to us for not selling any production. Keeping us is a good win-win sit down together.


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