Friday, January 09, 2009

Victims of meltdowns

Well....lately got to see a few super rich people killing themselves due to the above. Not that they lost everything they had or have....more of they cannot tahan they are impacted by the sudden slowdown. This sort of things hardly happen in good times.

Then talk about the normal regular Joe....what to do but to tighten the belts and make do with less. Eat less. Less....will be the catch words.

In times like this....almost everyone can feel the impact, even the less will feel so becoz they will have to make do with even more LESS lor, but the rich will really kena the most impact. They never have to think or worry about they must keep an eye out for it.

Me...have stopped buying the funny stuff and also cut down on the 4D and toto. For shares...super careful, no more 100 or 200 lots order. At & out with 10% margin, so to keep it manageable.

Also stopped...."envy" others' big cars, beautiful gfs/wives, personal stuffs. Just be happy with what I had. Have stopped thinking about sex....if needed just self-service lor by keeping it simple, safe and free ( also got chance to practice my imagination hehehe )


wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

dreamt of honey....sort of regret that I dozed off when with her then when I realized it and started to make move to mount her, noticed that we are not alone. WTF...Adrian ( ur sister's bf ) was inside together with my kid's bf too watching TV.

then remember they showed me the 1st prize 4D for Sat and told me lots of people kena it lor. So funny....the number was 1656.

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

wah lan....woke-up with a hard-on shit!!!

remember i was eyeing my honey in her pajama???? she is in a little red color short and T-short and i was "turn-on" hehehe.

then upon seeing the other 2 guys, I was sort of pissed.....but didn't show it. Just was cursing myself for dozing off earlier hehehe. but when shown the 4D...I
was lighten up again. Just felt
super shiok lor.

Unknown said...

1) rich people cannot take the impact. they are too rich and feel that they are too important. so when the fall come, they cannot take the shame of the fall. serious, it's about face.

2) dun envy others. when we start envying, we will always not be happy with our lot.


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tO hAVe FuN wiTH mY liFe aND aLsO wAnT mY loVED oNeS tO hAVE tHE SaME tOO. :) bUt iN rEAL LiFe tHaT sHouLd bE sOOn.