Thursday, February 12, 2009

movie review - Curious case of Benjamin Button

Starring Brad Pitt and Cate is a nice show about relationship and how people would view it as it goes thru the various stages esp when the lovers' age is concerned.

In the movie....Brad Pitt was borned old and he became younger by the days while his love....Cate Blandett was born normal, meaning from young to old.

Have to fully understand the story or the plot to fully appreciated what was going on or what the movie is all about.

With the recent case of the female teacher raping the male student....then can understand why people won't take it lightly for such a case. In the movie....Brad Pitt goes away from Cate Blandett when she had a child....and as in the movie, he is getting younger by the day while the wife is getting the fact that the child is also growing up, he made up his mind to go away saying that his wife would never be able to cope with 2 children. 1 time, he did went back to look at his family. He met his child who is around his age....and his wife saying that he is a family's friend. Later she went to see him in his hotel room and made weird, she with her aunty look and he as a young lad for the last time. And the next time they met, was when the police found Brad Pitt as a young little boy but having demantia. Later he turned into a little baby and die in her arm.

A moving story....

1 comment:

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

when he was old....he did visit the pros but the call-girls treated him well coz most of their clients are much older guys.

same like here and GL lor. if Ah Peh goes to find young girls no one would think badly about the situation while not the same is true if an old woman goes for young guy.


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