Saturday, April 18, 2009


Hehehe....kena $150 on last Sun 4D and today kena $1350 again. Yeah...quite lucky as I "double buy" on one set of 4D. Lucky also in the sense that I kena a total of 9 "BIG" on 2 set of 4D out of 3 sets. Even the "missed one" is very close to the 1st prize number....1809, I bought 1804 hahaha.

Just nice to pay off the 4D for the past 2 weeks....with a bit left for a makan trip lor.

Oh...kena 2718 ( my mom's death date and my dad's ) and 5219 ( this...anyhow buy one la, just based on 4D history ). Maybe tomorrow 1804 can come ---- I-Bet lor.

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