Thursday, April 22, 2010

Stock market up-date

With the Greece's problem not settled yet....the stock market would never go up esp since it has already "gone" up so much. It seem that the market is looking for an excuse to sell down...and it could be "it".

Yes...the market is doing the "cha-cha thingy" again with more "drops" than "up" days. Once the US market corrected....all the houses of cards will come down too.

That's the reason...I am selling off most of my holding to turn to cash. So that when things is bad...I have the bullets to fight another day.

Now...licking my wounds!

1 comment:

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

Finally Greece has thrown in it's plead for help. this case, they have no choice but to go along with whatever conditions asked of them.

And it could be a good thing for all for the short term now!


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