Thursday, May 20, 2010

With this meltdown are we into Double dips situation?

Yes...with this latest meltdown of DOW - down by 376 points, are we seeing a repeat
of the financial meltdown of 2008/9? This is not a good news esp coming so soon after we start seeing improvement for many companies' results.

Is this another start for the financial meltdown? The part 2 of the story? Esp being so close to the last one and now this is the repeat? The financial cycle is really getting narrower or shorter then the earlier ones. I remember...that it usually take about 5 to 8 yrs before another crash but now blink blink....just out from one and now going into another one! WFT!!! The worst thing is that Dr Gloom is saying we will be seeing another 20% drop before the situation improves.

Yes, time has change....and financial on-going is getting harder to predict. Therefore we must keep up-grading ourselves and be ready for "change" always. Sad thing...for the old and poor! How can they to cope with all these crazy events?

Could this be the start of the "end of the world" as predicted on 2012? We better start to enjoy and spend while we still can, of course not over-spent until totally broke like going to the casinos to gamble day in and night out but to spend on food for the family. At least...when the time comes to die, we all can die with a "full stomach" a loaded ghost mah hehe.

1 comment:

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

never good talk or write about meltdown becoz many folks will suffer.

even the rich should be worried becoz the day the poor will come and grab them to die together is getting closer and closer!


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