Friday, May 13, 2005

How to deal with feeling the "Blues"?

I just thought that adding this tid-bit might be an interesting subject for reading because I know for sure there will be somebody out there who may feels "depressed" about something in their life so this is my little "cheer-up" from one of my favourite websites.

The blues...Stop singing them.
Here's how Disappointments - nobody likes them. We all like to win and feel happy and powerful. But sometimes life has disappointments - whether it's being betrayed by a friend, having your boyfriend cheat on you, or not getting the job or into the school you want.
What happens to you when you get the blues? You have every right to feel sad. But can you process your feelings about a bad event while going on with your life? Or do the blues send you into a Stuart Smalley Shame Spiral that makes you feel horrible about everything in your life? The point is, when you get the blues, you need to get empowered again. That means taking steps to build your self-esteem from every angle.

Take care of yourself
Yeah, you know. Get a haircut, try new make up, but some new jeans. People do these things because they work. Why? They make you feel good. It's not about becoming a super model - it's about taking care of yourself.
Work out the stress
Working out helps relieve stress and makes you feel strong - watch out Xena! Vigorous exercise also stimulates endorphines -- the natural "feel good" chemical in our brains. (Some people call it the runner's high). Get in the pool, on the track, or on the court and play hard.

GIVE unto others
Studies have shown that the reason some economically disadvantaged people get depressed is because they can't afford to give. We're not suggesting buying gifts for all your friends. But giving of yourself, your time, energy, experience makes you feel powerful. It shows that you have so much you can afford to share. So find somewhere to volunteer - visit a nursing home, become a candy striper at a hospital, walk dogs at your local animal shelter. You'll feel great.

Feel ALL your feelings
Sometimes feeling sad or a little depressed colors everything. Try not to judge yourself or evaluate your life when you're bummed. Remember, you can feel more than one feeling at once -- so be sad about the disappointment, but find things to be happy and grateful about (a good grade, your home, a good friend). You'll see there's more good in your life than bad things. And by the way, don't stuff your feelings with food or smokes or booze. Stay present and face your emotions, then you can get to the other side.

When you can't get out
Some people are prone to depression and can't get out of the blues on their own. If you feel really stuck and start to feel like you can't handle your sad feelings - get some help. Don't be embarrassed. Most people have to seek professional help at some point in their lives. Take some actions - talk to a counselor at school, tell your parents, go to a teacher you trust and tell her you're having a hard time. Just taking this action will make you feel better - afterall, you've done something positive for yourself.

Adapted from


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tO hAVe FuN wiTH mY liFe aND aLsO wAnT mY loVED oNeS tO hAVE tHE SaME tOO. :) bUt iN rEAL LiFe tHaT sHouLd bE sOOn.