Friday, July 29, 2005

DOE...... in a relationship.

People break-up for all sorts of it fall out of love, due to lack of money, fall in love with others, got sick and tired with the same old thing, want to try other person, or simple no more common just name it.
For is just a game or a hobby. To throw away once got tired with it....believed me, there is such person around. Shallow person!!!
And there are some who just love to share their love around....lots of love to give to the world. A lovely person!!!
Yes.....there are some who can feel eternal love for others too but for eternal love to work, it gotto have the understanding and trust of the couple. Yes.....there are examples everywhere to show that this too can and do happen often.
So at the end of the boils down to the couple whether are they for real or just for fun in their feeling for each other. Even for marriaged couples...things can turned bad at any time in the course of their marriage. Hence.....there is DOE in a relationship. And that is a sad and hard part.

1 comment:

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

People in one-sided love affair will always feel this way even the writing is already written. Just refused to believe it is a fact.
Self denial....sad part.


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