Saturday, March 04, 2006

For all these......acting & drama. still keep me from sleeping soundly especially when I have to get up to pee, I have problem getting back to sleep again becoz all these thoughts keep flooding back to me. I am very tired now but luckily tonight is my last night of work for this workweek. Thank God.

The whole situation had already, already being "dumped" ( gotto make it clear here, sorry. I didn't let you go but it was you who dumped me suddenly )....whatever lies said has been regrets? I will have to deal with them slowly at my own time and pace. This bring me close to the end of the drama for my part but it is still the early start for yours. is your turn to do what you must do according what you wrote below. I shall be there to remind you of your commitments whether you like it or not.....what is soulmate for, right? hahaha.

Sandra's commitments
1) that was why now, the best solution is to have a clean break with him. the child will never know who his real father is, M&M will not know that is their half brother. i will have to concentrate on re building my family.

2) letting go is difficult, painful, torment, torture, but if i have to, i have to. if he has to let go, he has to let go, that was why he was prepared to let go and juz leave.

3) mess was created, mess can be cleared. let the adults, mainly me, keep the suffering, pain and regret forever in my heart and i'll carry it to my grave.

that's all i want to say. ( well said, Sandra .....let me remind you this ......"saying all these is the easy part but doing all these, Sandra! knowing you well....will take total focus and change in your mindset" That is also why.....I shall act as ur father figure to push you towards this goal for the sake of M & M, himer2, Mr Tan and finally for yourself and your own redemption for all the "screw-ups" you managed to bring to your own life and those of all your loved ones ) Agree?


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tO hAVe FuN wiTH mY liFe aND aLsO wAnT mY loVED oNeS tO hAVE tHE SaME tOO. :) bUt iN rEAL LiFe tHaT sHouLd bE sOOn.