Saturday, November 11, 2006

Gemini man - just take this with a pinch of salt hehehe.

A man in this Zodiac has a thin long and proportional face. He has a high forehead and very clever. He looks like he can not stand or sit still, a very fast person. His nose is just right in size, thin lips, talk fast and very talkative. He can think faster than he talks, but once he start talking, he will talk non stop as if god has gifted him with that special talk machine mouth. He likes to cut his hair short and he is very athletic . He is a tall, slim and every movement of his is "Fast" or nearly call Hyperactive".
Hahaha...only 60% accuracy. Me...yes! can talk non-stop if in the mood but I am not tall...just average for a local chinese guy 1.69M and not too slim too. On the stocky side for a guy, maybe with my present condition not feeling well for the past 5 weeks I have slim down alittle. Yes! it is not good to slim down due to sickness as I do look haggard

He has a long fingers and always tapping on table or moving his finger as if he is trying to grab something. He is the type who will write or scribble on paper, he never stay still. His hair always well comb or neat. He will spent a long time to comb his hair. He will keep his manicure and pedicure clean. He is a well dress and clean guy, so if you like cleanliness, you will love him.
Wrong again...I have meaty fingers so mine cannot be consider as having long fingers but yes! I like to rub my hands whenever I am too free. Yes...I am quite a neat person and I like to smell "nice" but I don't like to write or scribble on paper. So wrong here.

He will keep all his cloth in big closet, and never throw away even shirts he never wear any more, but yet he still keep buying new cloths and make sure he is in style. He knows how to dress well even with a low budget. He get bored easily with his favorite cloths , cologne. He is very picky, so soap and his cologne even have to be in the same trend or same scent.
Yes! pretty true here. I don't like to throw my old things away. And I still on friendly terms with all my old friends and lovers.

If you date this kind of guy, you might think you are dating 2 guys, you will have to guess his feeling and emotion. Is he doing thing because it is a duty, or is it because he wants to? He change his mind as fast as he change a new pairs of shoes. He can pick up a book and roughly read through and understand it's contents, so if you see a Gemini man who reads the whole book, then he must be influenced by other
About 80% true here, but I still don't always throw away old to remember this. I always treasured my favorite old things and momeries

He hate to set fix schedule, and dislike a boring same routine job. He could hardly be on time, and can only keep time if it is complete important and necessary. He does not come late because he forgets, but because he always find other attractions along the way. He likes to act opposite to what he wants to do. He is a very good speaker and make a very good politician. He can easily persuade other people and well presented himself in public, a real charmer. If he is a writer, he will write the best seller.
Maybe 75% Yes! I can motivate people if I am in the mood. I am quite capable of doing this as I can motivated my people to work hard willing for me as I too is willing to work hard for others if I like them.

He always search for truth and constantly study himself. He never satisfy about his fame, his reputation or money, because he thinks he deserved more. He will keep searching even he is not sure what is his ultimate satisfaction.
True here....and to me, this is also my downfall. This has add to my stress level whenever I don't get what I planned for. I would take it very hard and personally. So this is my bad side. I can get really other people's screw-up to my plan.

Woman in love normally wants to feel secure and stable, but if you fall in love with this guy be prepare to be alone. He will come to see you when he feels like it. He won't even know how he spent his days everyday, so adjust yourself if you love him.
Dating him is like dating 2 guys, so today he can tell you how much he loves you, but tomorrow he might call you to cancel your date. When he upsets, he could tell you he hate your dress, even it is the same dress he used to tell you make you look very sexy. Do not ask him why he is that's way for he won't have any explanations too. When he is back to normal mood, he will take you out again and forget what just happened.
Hahaha...I am not so cruel but frankly it is quite true of what I feel but becoz I don't want to hurt others, I will put on a nice act to quietly brush off the subject that I don't like. And the rest I just keep it inside the truth will never be known of what I truly felt about people and their actions. Unless I cannot really tahan....then I will just burst-out as I don't care anymore what others is going to feel about my action or reaction

You can not expect him to be the same person now, and forever. His changes will depend on you, for better or for worst. If you like to take risk and dare for challenges, you will get along with him fine. He keeps his emotional secretly as if hiding it, so you will not be able to see if he crazy in love with you, or does not give a damn at all, but be calm and patient.
90% true....hehehe, I can keep my emotional pretty well hidden. I guess I can be a good poker player if I want to. I always react to people's attitude towards me. If you treat me well...then I will treat you much better but if you are bad to me then you can expect me to react in the same way towards you. Period! only my honey can escape this reaction from me since I always remember the good times we spent together

He will never leave you if he thinks you are a puzzle, then he will spent times trying to solve this puzzle.
100%...true! like now even when i knew that this basket does not always belong to me but yet I put all my eggs in it. Brother...I guess I never ever learn my lesson esp when it insolved relationship and I do feel like I am a true idiot afterwards whenever I came across a puzzle.

Conslusion - I give this a 80% accuracy of myself as a Gemini man. Disclaimer - please take this with a big pinch of salt too. Enjoy!!!


wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

I can be considered a failure esp when it is on managing my own money or on relationship. The problem is I unable to say "NO" at times. Always trying to please others at my own expenese even when I know that the feeling is not mutual. Sighed. What a Jackass?

Anonymous said...

It is always easy to point finger at others without realising that three of your fingers are pointing back at you.
U may have think & do things your way without fully understanding how others will think or feel, or accept your actions, or/and indirctly you may have hurt others that U didn't realise.
Human is selfish.


Scenario 1
Dennis & Susan were at a department store. She saw a teddy bear & exclaimed, "Oh! This is really cute!"
He offered to get it for her, but she hesitated & replied, "'s okay..."
He shrugged his shoulders & moved on to look at something else. Meanwhile SusaN stood rooted to the spot, feeling very miffed.

His Interpretation
I offered to get the bear for u but u said u din wan it.

What She Means
Of cos I wanted the bear, u IDIOT!! I din give u a firm "no", did I?? U would insist on getting it for me if u were sincere abt the offer!


Scenario 2
Cheryl & Kenming were at a jigsaw puzzle store, & his was abt to pay for a brand new 2,500 piece set for himself.
Suddenly, Cheryl held out another box & asked, " Do u think I should get thus puzzle? It's so nice, but it's expensive...."
"Well, u can always wait for the next sale, he replied.
She refused to talk to him for the rest of the evening & the next 2 days.
She continued to ignore him regardless of how many times he apologized.
" So, what do u want me to do?" he asked in desperation.
"I can't tell u what to do, can I?" she answered.

His Interpretation
I thought u were seeking advice on whether to get that jigsaw puzzle, so I gave u my suggestion. U were really angry & I din know how to make up for it. So I chose to apologize anyway, but u continued to be angry regardless of the no. of times I said I was sorry. What more am I supposed to do if "sorry" isn't enough?

What She Means
I was hinting that I wanted this jigsaw set, & I was hoping you'd get it for me. I'm fed up b'cos u're so 'blur' u can't take a hint. If u're genuinely sorry, u would make up for ur mistake by going back to that store & getting that puzzle for me.


Scenario 3
Terence & Mealanie were out on a date. Slightly b4 dinner time, she casually mentioned something abt a nice little French restaurant nearby.....
When dinner time came around, he asked her what she would like to have for dinner. "Anything" she replied.
They ended up in a foodcourt & she did nothing but to sulk over a bowl of beef noodles.

His Interpretation
I asked u what u wanted & u said "anything". I thought u really din have any preference, & were leaving the decision up to me. So I suggested the foodcourt & u din object.

What She Means
I really want to have dinner at that French restaurant. That's why I'm telling u how good it's supposed to be. I just din want to say it directly b'cos it's quite an expensive restaurant.


Scenario 4

It was 2am. Faizai & Rina had had a good time at a disco & decided to call it a night. As they were hailing for cabs, Rina said, "It's quite late now, I wonder if it's safe....."
"Of cos it is" he assured her.
They took separate cabs home, & she turned him down the next time he asked her out on a date.

His Interpretation
I thought u were just asking for my opinion as to whether it was safe to go home at that hour! I wouldn't have minded sending u back if I'd known u'd wanted me to, but u seemed so self-assured & independent.

What She Means
I think u should be sending me home at this hour. If u had been a gentlemen, I wouldn't even have needed to drop that hint!

Scenario 5

SuWei & Vishnu were planning to get their close friend a birthday gift,but couldn't agree onwhat to get. She spent hours trying to convince him that her idea of a haversack was better than his suggestion of an arcade game voucher. Finally, she said in frustration,"Why izzit always so difficult for u to understand what I'm trying to say?"

His Interpretation
Why do u keep insisting that I dun understand what u've said. I understand perfectly. It's just that I don't agree.

What She Means
Why can't u just agree with me?

Scenario 6

Carl asked Fiona if it would be alright with her if he stayed at home this coming Saturday to catch a soccer match, & she said,"Sure, go ahead." She was unhappy when he actually did so.

His Interpretation
U said "ok", so I thought everything was okay

What She Means
Obviously, I din want u to stay at home & watch some stupid soccer match!
I was just trying to be magnanimous! U should be smart enough to know that, & then ditch ur game to catch a moive with me.

Scenario 7

Nizan had forgotten abt Yati's birthday until the very next da. When he called her to apologise, she said "It's alright.." He hung up the phone shortly after & continued to watch TV. She called him back shortly & started to cry

His Interpretation
I thought u'd already forgiven me for forgetting ur birthday, since u said it was alrite...

What She Means
It's so not alrite! How could it be alrite when u forgot abt my birthday & din even bother to make up for it! I'm so upset that I can't even bring myself to explain. But u should know!


Scenario 8

Mary asked,"Am I fat?" Mike replied tha she was just slightly plump, & she got upset.

His Interpretation
I thought u were asking for my opinion abt ur body size, & I was just trying to be honest.....Am I supposed to lie?

What She Means
I want u to tell me that I'm the most beautiful gal in the world, & I expect u to insist that u're being totally honest!

Scenario 9

He noticed that she was unhappy abt something, but din know what it was.
He asked her what was wrong & she said. " Nothing."
He continued to do whatever he was doing, & suddenly he realised that she was fuming mad.
Again, he asked her why she was upset. But once again, she insisted that everything was fine.

His Interpretation
Since u said nothing was wrong, I had to take it that everything was fine.
How am I supposed to know what's wrong when u keep insisting that everything was fine?

What She Means?
Of cos something is wrong! Of cos I'm upset! And dun tell me u dun know what's wrong! Gosh, I can't believe u're such a hopelessly insentitive creature - u greeted everyone else so warmly when u arrived, but din come say hello to me!


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tO hAVe FuN wiTH mY liFe aND aLsO wAnT mY loVED oNeS tO hAVE tHE SaME tOO. :) bUt iN rEAL LiFe tHaT sHouLd bE sOOn.