Monday, March 24, 2008

Our CEOs vs Ben Bernanke's pay!!!

Wow.....saw this on BBC this morning that Ben Bernanke ( Chairman of US Federal Bank ) is making about less than US$ 200K a year. In fact...his annual pay was US$193K. And he is the 3rd most powerful person is USA.....and when he speaks people listened and not just in the US but the world over. His words can move "billions" and this is not a small peanut.

To me.....there is something very special with this "GUY" and that he must be already very, very rich or he is a "NUT" case.

We have more "nutcases" here in Singapore making much more money every year than him by doing much less things too. Look around....there are so many CEOs of listed companies trading in the "penny range" in the SGX but they are earning lots of money yearly. Some of these companies are losing money yearly too...still these CEOs are always smiling at their company's AGM, happily reporting that their company lost so and so for the year.

So funny....and the best of all, what is SGX or the authority here doing about it? Guess nothing becoz they themselves are part of the problem too.


wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

Saw one guy in the U channel yesterday's "You are the One!" who said that he spent $48K per month on his expenses.
Wah...lan! That is the amount I made in a good year and this young man is only 20 yrs old!

POWER...even Ben Bernanke's monthly pay is not S$48K. Oh...btw he came from CHINA to study here!

The shirt he was wearing last night on the program cost $1K and it made him look like a "over-sized gay".

What is happening to the world????

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

Look like I am out of touch or the world is getting out of touch with the people.

Easy to say...I am out of touch. Just simple!!!


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