Wednesday, March 19, 2008

SGX - chinese S-Chip shares

One word....SHIT! what rubbish shit shares are these? Since late Oct 2007....seem like all these shares just "tanked". Some already lost about 80% of their value on Oct 2007 but till now, there is no end or no bottom in sight for these shares.

Some of these counters are highly recommended by the analysts from the Broking houses or Banks.....but still, the selling have not stop. Like today or last week's Wednesday....the US market "shot-up" by more than 400 points but the market here re-act with a good start but as the hour went down esp these S-Chips shares. Local counters faired better....but not
these chinese shares.


wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

One of the share is Synear. Last wednesday I bought it at 57 cents and at the was at 53.5cents.

This morning...I went up to 49.5 cents and by the close, it was at 42 cents. Showing a down of 5 cents.

Stupid fuck shit!!! Already showing a paper lost of 3K not adding the commission for it. Lost of nearly 30% from last Wed, just in one week of trading while the US market went up with 2 huge increased 400+ points.

What the fuck is happening? Tibet protest? Glodal sell-off of Chinese shares? Inflation fears?
Guess....all of these has a part of the whole problem.

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

Better shut down all these rubbish shares trading here.

At least can saved us for losing our pants trading in these.

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

Guess....what is trading here are mostly "rubbish counters".


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