Friday, March 21, 2008

Talking about share falling prices and losing money trading.

Well....with all these bad news around and the talk of recession, no wonder all the stock markets from US to China...."tanked".

Cost of materials are WORLD oil prices ducked under US$100 (S$139) per barrel on Thursday, diving from record heights struck earlier this week amid fears of a global slowdown in energy demand, traders said. Last year this time....we are at US$50 to 60 and we are already complaining. Now...we are at US$100. And the price of gold and other commodities are at their all time highs.

How to tahan?

1 comment:

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

World oil prices fell amid fears of a global slowdown in energy demand, traders said. Gold prices also tumbled while the dollar firmed.

'When the Fed is easing, it has historically not been good for gold or commodities in general and it has been good for stocks, bonds and the dollar,' said Morgan Keegan analyst John Wilson.

'I don't look for gold, crude and the (agricultural) commodities to drop straight down without some attempted rallies, but this week's break should be respected and could be the beginning of some of this speculation unravelling.'

Mr Bob Dickey at RBC Dain Rauscher agreed that the easing of speculation in commodities may help the stock market.

'We appear to be in a period of transition from a bull move in commodities into something else, as there is growing evidence that many of the commodities trends have topped out after making some dramatic and parabolic moves to the upside over the past year,' he said.

Hope this is true....then there is hope for the stock market.


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