Thursday, October 02, 2008

Emotion dried up just following the stock market

Yes.....with the extreme swings of the market lately some people has done pretty well while the majority suffer all sorts of impacts eg paper loss for investment, losing money by choosing the wrong shares or even losing their job as the daily situation get from bad to worst.

With the above then it is normal for people to lose sleep from investing. For me....yes always not resting enough hehehe. Losing money what else but the share market lor.

One moment "UP"....then the next few session "down". There are more "down" sessions than having the "UP" that is bad esp bad for my pocket. Felt like....having all my emotions drained from my body. Just left "up and dry" lor.

Just think back a month or so, things are totally not the same. People are talking about what the government must do to sort out the situstion before thing get worst.


Anonymous said... fed-up with the stock market with it's huge daily swing. Better to plan to have other hobbies beside one expert.

Anonymous said...

good example....see! when the bailout plan already approved by the US congressmen....the stock immediately went "SOUTH".

Here and in the States too.


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