Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wed - 10/6

Wah....damn shit luck! no buy then open 3th prize on Sat for my car no but have to buy I-bet. I just buy straight mah., no smell!

For the past 10 days after shifting into the condo....didn't once use the pool or any thing yet. Now I realised why....not many people using the pool even on weekends.
Only my kids and their friends do use it. They also went to try out the gym thing. Me, just walk by hehehe.

Yesterday...was the first time, I took a walk around the whole place. Frankly I was looking for the "ang hua" as we attend a relative's wake, but didn't see any growing wild. Yes...a couple of houses have it but with their unit door wide open, not nice to be caught taking it. So...just use water to wash hand and face.

Oh...the house thing was cleared at least, 1 thing is cleared from my mind. I was damn worried with lawyer handling clients' money disappearing. My lawyer is Indian and he is a young man too. He doesn't really look like a lawyer too when I went to
meet him, but just not nice to back out. Recommended by my boss., this is over....I can look forward to clear all my debts. Huge weight - off my shoulder
and my bank account, esp the interest. Can use that to pay for the condo....POWER!

Shit...relatives are passing away. This week....2 gone! Cannot keep up attending their wakes. Tiring!!

Another 3th brother is coming over from the US with his family next month for 2 weeks. Shit....where to stay??? Another to take leave to accompany them??? Another big headache!! Didn't turn up for both my parents' funeral
and now they want to visit? Guess...they actually come back to visit their in-law. His wife's side....she is the sister of my 2nd brother's mistress. Anyway...let's see what I can do. Gotto take a step at a time with this. My tiny as compared to what they staying in now in US. So....pai sei mah! And also not mine own too.

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