Sunday, September 10, 2006

Saw this one in one of the internet forum site.

1:Do You Make These Mistakes?

p style='font-weight:bold; font-size:medium;font-family:"Arial","serif";color:#8A2E2E'>"10 Dangerously Effective Tactics For Meeting Women Online"

Here is the answer key that will give you a detailed breakdown of each test question, along with an explanation of which answers will get you the best results with meeting women online - and why.


1. You are online and you see a woman that catches your attention. When is the best time to email her?

a) Wednesday at 9 a.m.
b) Friday at 8 p.m. so she sees you have absolutely no plans whatsoever for the weekend.

c) Sunday afternoon… after her dates on Friday and Saturday night turned out to be total losers.

d) It does not matter when you call her.

The Answer:

Want to know a secret about meeting women online… that 99% of men DO NOT know?

Women are much more receptive to getting your emails at SPECIFIC TIMES... and if you send one at the wrong time, you communicate the WRONG message.

Think about it…

Email a woman on a work day in the morning or afternoon… and she will suspect you are unemployed.

Contact her on a Friday or Saturday night… and she will mistake you for just another lonely guy on the net who does not have enough "game" to have plans for the weekend.

One time that works great is emailing a woman on Sunday afternoon. Her dates on Friday and Saturday probably turned out to be total losers… and here you come with your confident, spontaneous, refreshingly edgy approach. Can you say…. BINGO?

2. You are about to email a woman who has some very attractive photos of herself. What is the best angle to take?

a) Prove to her that you are not just picking up random women on the internet.
b)Convince her to like you…show her you are WORTHY of her.

c)Be careful to avoid making a mistake. You do not want to blow it with this one.

d) Subtly communicate that you are a desirable, busy, funny, challenging guy.

The Answer:

Ask any guy who enjoys RIDICULOUS success with women and he will tell you the same thing: your MINDSET makes a huge difference to your success with the ladies. And online is no different.

If your mindset is to prove that you are not a "pick-up artist", you may calm her concerns… but you will not trigger ATTRACTION deep inside her.

Answer B is what most guys do. You unconsciously try to convince a woman that you are WORTHY of her. Of course, if you do this, a woman will IMMEDIATELY put you in the "Wuss" category. It is a HUGE turn-off.

And if you "play it safe" with Answer C… and try not to blow it…. the only powerful emotion you will create within her is BOREDOM. And you can't BORE a woman into feeling attraction for you.

You have to do much more than not "blow it." You have to make her feel something for you…

And you can do this by subtly communicating that you are a desirable, busy, funny, challenging guy. Focus on creating chemistry and "sexual tension." Send the message that the woman you are looking for will make your ALREADY GREAT life even BETTER. Do this and you will create an irresistible urge within her to respond to your email…

And here is the good news… learning how to make a woman feel attraction like this is a skill ANY guy can learn.

Read on…

3. You sit down at your computer to write your profile. What is the best way to write it? it?

a) Write in a comfortable, causal, conversational style… the way you talk. Inject humor, wit, interesting perspectives, and FUN throughout.
b)Describe your life, and the woman you are looking for, as accurately as possible.

c)Write to women as a group, rather than an individual woman reading your profile.

d) Read a bunch of other guys' profiles… and do what they do. You want to “blend in.”

The Answer:

Do you know how many emails the average woman online is bombarded with every day?

The numbers are STAGGERING.

And you know something else?

Most of the profiles a woman reads SOUND EXACTLY THE SAME.

If you want to spark attraction and get noticed, you have to stand out from the pack.

Read 50-100 profiles written by men, notice the similarities, and BE DIFFERENT. Do not be boring and predictable… add adventure at every twist and turn to your page.

Communicate that the woman you are looking for will make your ALREADY GREAT life even BETTER.

Never communicate that you are "not OK" alone… or that you need a woman to fill an empty space in your personality.

Do this… and you won't believe the advantage you will have over all the other men online.

b>4. You are flirting with a woman online. What is the best way to “rev up” her attraction for you?

a) Find reasons to playfully disqualify her… tell her that she lives too far away, or that she is too old/young/short/tall/rich/poor/etc.
b) Misinterpret any personality trait as the negative extreme, and then say, “Ah Ha! I have figured out why you can not get normal guys to talk to you!”

c) Give her a funny nickname… one with a slight “Bratty Little Sister” twist.

d) All of the above.

The Answer:

Have you ever found an attractive woman online… the two of you began chatting… but you quickly did not know what direction to take the interaction…. you could sense you were screwing things up… and you never heard from her again?

So what was your mistake?

Odds are you BORED her… just like 90% of the other guys online.

You need to learn the ways of creating attraction… and then AMPLIFYING it.

Find reasons to playfully disqualify her… tell her that she lives too far away… etc.

Misinterpret any personality trait as its opposite extreme.

Give her a funny nickname with a "bratty little sister" feel to it.

When you "bust" on her like this, you show that you are confident, funny, and independent… and she will have a strangely powerful emotional craving to find out ALL about you…

5. What is the best way to really "impress" a woman online?

a) Tell her that she is absolutely drop dead gorgeous… and that you would like to take her to a nice restaurant.
b) Describe yourself as an average guy… so that she is not intimidated by you.

c) Let her know in an indirect way that you have high standards with women. Discuss your avoidance of crazy chicks, the fact that attractive women can be flaky, etc.

d) Tell her you are really easy-going and are not too picky about anything. It will help her relax, and make a meeting with her easy to set up.

The Answer:

This one is sort of a "trick question"…

You see, you should not be concerned with IMPRESSING A WOMAN at all.

But, of course, this is where 99% of men come from when they try to meet a woman online. And women HATE IT. They are not IMPRESSED by you trying to IMPRESS them. In fact, it actually has a NEGATIVE effect.

The best way to leave an impression is to NOT try to leave an impression.

Instead of convincing her that you are a great guy, let her know that you have high standards. Instead of seeking her approval, get her to seek YOURS.

Do it in an indirect, subtle way… mention that you avoid crazy chicks… that you find attractive women annoyingly flakey… and you will make 10 times the impact than if you came out directly and simply said, "I have high standards when it comes to women."

Stop trying to impress her… and start questioning whether or not she will meet YOUR standards… and she will be compelled to impress you in all sorts of interesting ways…

6. You are deciding which photos to include in your profile. What is the best approach?

a) Do not include a picture of yourself. This way she will have nothing to object to.
b) If you have a nice body, post lots of pics with your shirt off… women love this stuff.

c) Use old pictures of yourself when you were thinner, had more hair, and were better looking in general.

d) Take lots of digital pictures of yourself from different angles. Get feedback from women on which ones are the best.

The Answer:

As you probably already know, profiles with photos get something like 7 times the response rate as profiles without.

You NEED photos… the only question is: what kind?

You definitely do not want to use OLD pictures of yourself (Answer C). Even if you have put on a few pounds, or you spend more money on Rogaine than on hairspray these days… you still need to post recent, accurate pictures.

If you have any experience at all meeting women online, I am sure you have experienced meeting a woman who turned out to be older, heavier, wrinklier, etc., than her photos showed.

You know this situation SUCKS. So do not allow yourself to do this to anyone ELSE.

On the other end of the spectrum, if you happen to be relatively good looking and are fit, do not make the mistake of including photos that are obviously showing off what you have. When a quality woman sees pics like these, the first thought she will have is "What a jack-ass."

It is much better to include photos that suggest or hint at the fact you have some attractive physical qualities… without sticking it right in her face. It is much better to be subtle about it… and leave her wanting to see more… than giving her the whole meal in one bite.

But do not worry… you do not need to look like a model to succeed with women online. Lord knows I do not….

The trick is to make the most of what you have got. Whatever your looks, good photos can raise your "hunk score" by a couple of notches…

Take the time to take lots of different pictures of yourself. Test different angles… cropping… looking into the camera or away from it… and try taking pictures looking into a mirror.

Then get feedback from women. Test your pictures at one of the online dating sites… one I enjoy is

And do not sweat too much about your looks. Women have different tastes when it comes to men… good grooming makes up for a lot in the looks department… and the more comfortable you are with whatever your "level" of looks, the more attractive she will see you.
b>7. What’s one thing you should never have in your profile?

a) A picture of your new sports car.
b) A picture of your mom.

c) A picture of you with 3 "Hooter's Girls."

d) A graphic description of the deep heartache your high-school sweet heart caused you… and your acceptance of the fact that it will never fade away.

The Answer:

You do not want a picture of your car (Answer A). While women want a guy who is successful, throwing it in her face looks like you are bragging… it suggests that it is ALL you have got… and that you are not confident enough to attract her with your personality alone.

Yes, women want to see that you can develop relationships with other women, but when they see you posing with a couple of hooter girls (Answer C)… it just makes you look like a cheesy "frat-boy" who can only meet attractive women when they are PAID to talk to you. Post a picture with you and some cute girlfriends instead.

But a picture of your mom, Answer B, shows that you are connected to your family. Women love a man with strong family ties. Do not make this your main pic, but if you have it on your profile somewhere… it is definitely a bonus.

8. You email a woman online, and she writes back. You can sense the two of you are hitting it off. When should you suggest talking on the phone?

a) It does not matter when you respond. Follow her lead. She will give you signals when she is ready to move things forward.
b)The first time you chat with her, or your first or second email.

c) You have already blown it. The very first email you send should describe an elaborate and fancy date so you impress her, sweep her off her feet, and make her head-over-heels in love with you.

d) You should proceed very slowly. Email back and forth at least 8 or 9 times before you transition to the phone. She needs to really get to know you first and trust you first. And there is no rush… after all, you are the only guy she is emailing, right?

The Answer:

One of the things that bugs women the MOST is when a man keeps emailing and emailing (Answer D)… and never has the courage to move things from "virtual" to "real." Women quickly lose patience… and set up dates with other guys who are simply more assertive.

And if you are waiting for her to give you "clues" that she is ready to transition to the phone (Answer A)… you are going to wait a LONG time. Why? While you are waiting for HER to give you a clue… she is waiting for YOU to take the lead and suggest a phone conversation.

Two people waiting for the other to make the first "move"… it is a sad sight.

On the other hand, you do not need to "bribe" her with an expensive dinner (Answer C) just to get her time and attention. Offer too much too soon and she will put you in the "wuss" category… and you will never hear from her again.

Instead, get her IM address, chat with her for a bit, then say "let us have a real conversation like normal people do… on the phone." Or suggest the same thing via email… but do not wait for weeks before you pull the trigger.

9. You have certain age/weight/looks requirements for the kind of woman you would like to meet online. You know that many women are older, heavier, and just different from the way they look in their pictures. What is the best way to avoid being unpleasantly surprised when you finally meet her?

a) Do not do anything. You will see what she looks like when you meet her face to face. If you do not like what you see, all you have wasted is one evening… and money for dinner.
b) Clarify in your profile that you are looking for a blonde, 5’10”, 125, with double D’s. When you get her on the phone, ask her how much she weighs… AND her cup size.

c) Get several pictures, from different angles, before you agree to meet. Ask her how long ago the pictures were taken.

d) When it is time to meet in person, hide-out somewhere close by. If she is a wildebeest, leave before she sees you… put her on your “do not contact me in a million years list"… and change your profile name so she will never contact you again.

The Answer:

One of the most common mistakes guys make online… is also the most PREVENTABLE.

Here is the story:

You meet a woman online. She looks cute. You email, she responds. You think, "Nice, she is a cutie," but when you finally meet her face to face… she is NOTHING like her photos. She goes from a 9 to a 3.


But if you think about it for a second, you will realize that it is not just painful for YOU… it is painful for her, too.

Do you think she can not read the look of disappointment in your face… despite your best efforts to cover it up?

Do yourself – and HER - a favor by proactively preventing this from happening.

So… how?

Well, you do not do it by talking about breast size, weight, or cup size in your profile (Answer B)…unless you want to send a clear message to quality women that you are just another shallow guy looking for easy sex on the net.

Instead, be a stickler about getting multiple pics. If she only has 1 or 2 in her profile, ask for more. And ask how RECENT the pictures are.

And as back up, stick to tea or coffee for the first meeting. If she misrepresented herself in her pictures, you can get out of there in no time flat.


10. You are emailing a lot of women online, but getting very few responses. What is the best thing you can do?

a) Give up… there must be something deep inside of you that tragically prevents you from succeeding with women.
b) Do the same thing you have been doing… keep your profile and emails the same… and hope that eventually the numbers will work in your favor. If you contact enough women, some of them have to respond, right?

c) Find pictures of a male model… and put them in your profile. Women are only attracted to good looking guys, anyway.

d) Realize it is not about YOU… it is about your approach. Get an education on how to succeed with meeting women online… test and systemize… and create variations on the themes that work for you.

Your Answer:

The sad truth is this:

Most men struggle with meeting women online.

And it is tragic how common it is for a man to keep on using the same approach… even when he is not getting the results he wants.

It is easy to fall into the "if I just try HARDER" trap (Answer B). But YOU do not have to…

If you are not succeeding online, realize it is not about YOU… it is about your STRATEGY.

Educate yourself with the proven theory AND specific techniques in this workshop. They work like gangbusters to meet women online. Take the ideas you learn… test them systematically… and find unique variations on the themes that work best for you.

When you do, meeting boatloads of attractive, quality women online will be like shooting fish in a barrel… but TWICE the fun.

And as you see how well these heavily researched methods work, you will probably want more. Do not worry, you can continue to access strategies that will help you hone your style far beyond this workshop.

Information pooled from research, interviews with guys who are arguably the BEST IN THE WORLD at this part of the "game," killer material with hundreds of tips and techniques…
it is all available to you at any time. You will find the link at the end of this workshop!
Ask Adult Friend Finder (More Hot Advice)


I took your advice and starting being more forward in emails, cracking jokes and making fun of more stuff. Sounds unorthodox right? Hell NO. I use a dating site that will not let you give an email address through their system, but phone numbers are ok. The women know this already, so they are expecting to get a number from you if you get their attention. More on your book, I work in radio and when you said the voice was one of your best tools to use, it hit me like a ton of bricks. You are right and phone calls are perfect place to practice your sound. Definitely slow down in your speech and a better sound will come from within.

So my point is this: I met this chick on line, gave her my number, she does not call for two days. So I send her an email that says "what, are you playing hard to get already?" The next morning my phone is ringing at 8:30 am. It is her, she feels bad about waking me up, which I bust her balls for and use the fact that I just woke up to bring out the best in my voice. We only have a 4 or 5 minute conversation before I tell her I need to get some more sleep, so I give her MY email address and leave it at that. I get to work later that morning, and here is her email.


I only have a minute before I need to leave for a meeting, but I just wanted to say . . . GREAT voice!

I hope you have a great day you Bum!

Take care!



As one a wise man once said:


By the way, great insight to MAKE FUN of women who have online personals.

Think of it this way...

A cute woman posts an online personal. She gets 50 emails a day saying, "Oh, you're so beautiful..." and "You sound very interesting, we have a lot in common..." and "I have the same values as you, and I am seeking a relationship as well..."

...and then she sees one that says:

"Hey, I do not think that this picture is really you. What, did you go to the mall and get one of those Glamour Shots done or something? Do you have a real picture? Like you at home on your stairmaster or something? Or do you even work out? OK, stop trying to fool all of us guys, and let us see what you REALLY look like..."

What is she going to do?

Of course, she is going to say to herself, "I will show him", and she is going to send you a bunch of pictures of herself and say, "No, really, this is me!"

NICE IS BORING. And it is never more boring then when it is ONLINE... in a place where there are a million other "nice" guys that have zero personality chasing after her.

And great job telling the woman who called you when you were sleeping that you wanted to go back to sleep... and to email you sometime.

You are doing well. Keep it up!
Let me start by telling you, you 'da man! I really got to hand it to you, your stuff has given me confidence I never had before, and I am just trying to absorb as much of it into my head as possible. I really want to thank you for being able to share this stuff with guys like me and not keeping it to yourself.

Thanks to you, I started to apply the Cocky and Funny angle in chatting rooms and in the real world, and it is a hell of a lot better than the Mr. Nice guy act. However, I use emails and chat to practice my Cocky and Funny angles and it is improving. For example, I have one trick I use and it works on a girl whether she is younger, older, or the same age as me.

I asked one girl her age, and she turned out to be as old as me, 21. I then replied by telling her "ahh forget it, you are too young for me." I assumed that this girl was not used to a rejection like this, and she was intent on knowing how old I was. I told her that I am also 21, and she reacted like most girls do at this part, by laughing and acting stuck up, and asking me how she could possibly be too young for me. I then respond saying something like, "I guess you are right, it is not your age, you just would not be able to handle me," then she reacts like most girls do at this point, continuing to be even more stuck up and laughing sarcastically, while I tell her that I will give her a chance because she wants it so much, and she has 2 minutes to convince me she can handle me. Now this is a great conversation starter, and while she argues the fact that she can handle me, I occasionally send her teasing comments like, "honey, you are wasting my time" or "Why are you not entertaining me" or "ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz". I kind of understood how being Cocky works, and if the girl really meant the insults she said to me at first, she still would not be talking to me, right?

After doing this to one particular girl, who turned out to be hot as hell from a photo she sent me, she completely forgot about being stuck up and told me, "ok, I am sorry, let us start over." This is when I realized I had her in my grasp, and I continued being Cocky but turned it down a notch, was this the right thing to do? Around the end I asked her for her email, and she replied by telling me she cancelled it yesterday, a terrible excuse. I persisted and said "yeah sure, just type it down, it will be ok." She stuck to her story, and I gave up and gave her my email which she "supposedly" wrote down.

Now I know I probably should not have backed down on her email, but I thought the conversation was going so great she would actually want me to have her email. Is there something I did wrong for her to refuse giving it to me, and what other ways could I make a girl give me her phone # and/or email? Also, you stress how you should never answer a girl's question directly, to leave her unsure. This happens to be my weakness and I would appreciate a few tips on this too.

Thanks for everything, your reply would really mean a lot. W.C.

Great story... and great job.

One thing you have to remember about chat rooms and online IM sessions is that they are great PRACTICE.

Now, I have met some UNBELIEVABLE women on the internet... so do not get me wrong here.

But do not worry too much about any particular girl... or any particular situation.

She could have had a boyfriend, or even a husband... and was just online because she was bored... or any of 100 other scenarios.

When something like this happens, just move on.
The point is that you are using the Internet for a GREAT "practice environment", and you are training your mind to be Cocky & Funny in the moment... which begins to translate into the REAL world as you do it.

To answer your question about how to get a girl to give you her email address and/or number, just do more of what you are already doing...

Keep throwing down the challenges...

Write back and say "Yea, you are probably not that adventurous".
She will say "Yes I am!"

Then say "Well, if you were then you would have asked me for my number and called me already. But you are not. So you did not..."

Keep this up until she asks for YOUR number.

Then, as soon as you hit the "send" button, IM her again quickly to say "I do not hear my phone ringing! Hurry up!"

You will love the results you get from this kind of thing.

But be careful. And get LOTS of CURRENT pictures. Take it from someone who knows...
lol... do not just take her word for it.

As you recommended I started using the Internet as a 'women simulator,' it is great and I think I am doing fine with the cocky and funny stuff. For example, I call my self "too witty for you" and in my description I write "do not please do not... well OK - are you cute?" and it works :-) Sadly, I can not give an example from the chats since they are in Hebrew but you know... it is even funnier in Hebrew.

My question is simple: you said to move quickly from the chat to the phone. Well, do you have a "3 minute phone technique" adopted for the chats? (the problem is that I can not say something like "I am going back to my friends" like I do in a bar).


U.W. from Israel.



Maybe you can work with us soon on the "Ultimate Comprehensive Guide To Cocky & Funny Online Chat In Hebrew".

When you are online, you have to REALLY go the extra mile and EXXXXXAGGGGERATE everything.

You can not just say "You seem cool, let us talk sometime".

You have to say "You are a pain. I will bet you can not keep this up live on a telephone. You are probably too much of a scardey-cat to even TRY it...".

Work it. Try things. You will find that these kinds of challenges work VERY well online.

I work in a place that provides internet access to some students so I am actually paid to be online at work. If nothing is going on with our network I have lots of downtime with nothing to do so I decided to start practicing online with women. It is amazing what that one word "brat" can do in a fun playful situation.

Here are a couple of my successes with just that one word....

ME: So you are not a brat are you? HER: See for yourself. -- file transfer…she is sending me a pic without my asking -- ME: This is not one of those nude pics is it? It is way too early in the relationship for anything like that. HER: LOL, no. Did you get it? ME: Yes. HER: Well? ME: I was right. HER: About? ME: You are a brat! HER: What do you mean? ME: I can see it in your smile and in your eyes. You are a brat! HER: lol

NEXT MORNING...receive instant message from her

HER: Hey Sweetie, how are you doing?

Next example:

ME: You are not one of those bratty girls are you?

HER: What if I want to be? ME: Because then I would have to spank you... ME: nah, you might like it too much if I did (TOOK A SHOT IN THE DARK ON THIS ONE) HER: You are right, I would (BINGO! HIT THE JACKPOT) ME: Hmmmmm HER: You can not handle it? ME: Oh that is not the problem, I usually don not have sex on the first date...

(Needless to say, we are getting together very soon)

I was not trying to do anything but have a little fun practicing online and...well, go figure. :-)

Chapter 1
Do You Make These Mistakes?

Chapter 2
10 Steps To A Great Ad

Chapter 3
How To Avoid ‘Creeping A Woman Out’

My workshop notes on Chapter 1: 0 notes

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Go right now to an AdultFirendFinder chat room of your choice by clicking on "Join a Chat Room" in the upper right hand corner of your home page. We have rooms by location and rooms devoted to just about every sexy subject you can think of.

Once you familiarize yourself with the room, try out some of the "cocky" approaches to women you have just been reading about.
Before you log out, be sure you try them with more than one person.
Be bold, say things you have heard successful people say, but that you have never quite had the courage to say.
If you are not having any luck in one chat room, go to another.
Set a time limit, and do not give up until time is up!
After doing this for awhile, write down all the cocky lines that get a good response.
Keep a record of what responses you get.
Repeat this on several different occasions and compare notes. Are your lines getting cleverer? Are you getting bolder? Are you getting a better idea of what works? Of what fits your personality?
When you start answering yes to questions in #6, congratulations! You have just begun your new life of online dating success!

Now that you have got the taste of success, try this.

Based on your notes, pick out some of your best lines.
Then go to a chat room and exaggerate them. Get even more cocky. By this, you may have a pleasant surprise. You may learn that more is better. (Or not). Adjust your approach accordingly.
Experiment with challenges aimed at getting a woman's phone number.
As before, force yourself to keep to a minimum time limit -- do not get discouraged.
Again, if you are not having luck in the European Hot Tub room or the Dirty Thirty room, try the London room or the Ebony Room.
Try to keep at it until you successfully get a phone number.

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