Sunday, September 10, 2006

Walua - this is good for youngster kekeke

Welcome to “Setting Moods that Seduce”

This sensual workshop shows you how to create a winning and provocative attitude, plus an ambience that will have your date forgetting all her cares (and quite probably her clothes!). Introducing secrets on how to change her mind, how to present yourself as irresistible, and how to create the ultimate safe, yet sensual environment that every woman dreams about, but seldom gets to experience, this course will equip you with proven skills, routines, and techniques that will help you transform any date (even the "cold fish" variety) into a night of ecstatic sexual splendor for you and your partner.

By completing this course, you'll be able to:

Captivate ALL of her senses, making her feel safe, desirable, and care free
Remove her inhibitions by enchanting her with your seductive "safe place" and your confident, yet caring attitude
Make her feel so comfortable that taking off clothes will feel like an exciting (and wanted!) adventure, not a pressure cooker
Know with confidence the wonderful and different sensual effects of scented candles and oils
Create an environment that makes "time stand still," and your lover is the center of the universe
How course chapters are organized:

Personal anecdotes, humor, and explicit details show you precisely how your attitude and environment can be transformed to create the maximum sexual receptivity from your dates.
Creative exercises (both online and offline) help you reinforce all the sex secrets that you'll learn, plus you'll get a chance to test your new knowledge in the "real" world.
Fun experiments guide your expertise in the areas of scents, oils, food, and other provocative items of sexual stimulation
Most chapters include "secret tips" to ensure success in different dating scenarios
1:Work Your Attitude

"The secret is simply to let her know that a desirable man is already there."
span style="font-size: 18pt; letter-spacing: 2;">Introduction

Desirable partners cross your path every day, but more often than not, their defenses are firmly up. Women in particular are so accustomed to being pressured for sex that they often don’t even seriously consider most offers. Your goal is to create a space that feels safe and relaxing where they can forget the cares of the world. In the process, their defenses come down, and they can begin to perceive you as a desirable sexual being with a lot to offer. You can change all their preconceived notions about you by being “someone else” within your “love lair” – not your everyday identity at all, but the lover you’ve always dreamed of being. Your home acts as the representation of this person.

Together, you and your revamped play space can relax, enchant, and ultimately seduce the object of your desire.

A massively neglected aspect of the game of seduction is the space where the game plays out. A knock-’em-off-their-feet seduction is not dependent on “love at first sight” or even “attraction at first sight.” Quite the opposite! You can lead an attractive prospect in the direction YOU want them to go. The secret is to invest time, plan ahead, and create a seduction space (both physically and mentally), a space that is compelling, safe-feeling and FREE FROM PRESSURE. And you should start well before the lucky moment.

by Simone Harris

Biography: Simone Harris came by her sexpert status working as a writer at a multimillion-dollar sex-toy company. The target demographic? Women. Her sex advice went out to millions of women each month, and she had the good sense to do as much listening as she did talking! As a result, she has a head full of information on what women want and need when it comes to seduction. In addition to all this, Ms. Harris is a brilliant slut with more than her share of experience in all the things a date can do to scare off a potential good time.
1:Work Your Attitude


Simone says:

I confess. I am a totally uninhibited, up-for-it-anytime-or-anywhere type of girl. When a boy rubs up against me and says just the right thing, I lose it. The primal urge to suck and fuck comes over me, and I rocket straight into nympho mode. I have spontaneously done it in trash-strewn alleys behind nightclubs, in the backs of random cars, and in the Ethernet-tangled “bedrooms” (often lacking an actual bed) of Silicon Valley programmers. I swear, I think a bare concrete vault would not faze me, once I get turned on!

In this respect, I am like a lot of you out there in cyberspace: we are horny, we are ready to go, and we do not think about things like “atmosphere” or “mood.” Sex itself puts us in the mood! Yet we all know a lot of people who do not work that way at all. Every time I talk to my girlfriends, they remind me that I am not exactly your “typical woman.” And when they tell me the stories of who they have slept with and why, I realize that some of you guys could really use a clue.

Here is a story that may interest you. Not long ago, I stopped by a guy’s house on a simple errand. Now, I was not thinking of this guy as a potential lover. He was the friend of a friend, I was there to pick up a computer part, and I had no reason to suspect that our quick meeting was about to turn into a mind-blowing sexual experience. I was not even wearing cute panties! But the scene he had prepared for me when I walked through the door was so unexpectedly relaxing, so sensuous, that I found myself unwinding, sitting down, and staying longer than I had planned to.

The lights were dim, and scented candles were flickering. He served up my favorite drink, and we chatted easily. I found myself relaxing and actually considering him as a lover. He won the game right there – by providing a welcoming, sexy, and totally low-pressure place for me to hang out and get comfortable. After about an hour, he brought out a small bowl of scented oil and suggested we give each other back massages since he was sore from snowboarding. (This is a great line, whether or not it is true!) This was the perfect excuse to dim the lights, loosen our clothes, and begin to touch each other all over… without ever having to deal with an awkward kiss or “first date moment.”

As I drove home the next morning, both sore and thrilled, I reviewed the facts. I was shocked that I had been so affected by candles and scents, as I had always viewed them as slightly cheesy props. Sure, I knew that they were popular with women, but I had never thought to ask WHY. My serene afterglow said it all, though. I had needed an external source of relaxation, because my mind just was not THERE that particular night. The preparations made by my new partner were exactly what was needed to slow me down and open up my sensuality. This guy had really made an effort to make an erotic scene for us – and it paid off for him with an unforgettable night of sex!

The lesson here is that you can greatly increase your chances of a successful seduction if you have your attitude and your play space ready to go at all times. First impressions are everything, and you never know when an eligible playmate may wander into your home. It could be someone you met on Adult FriendFinder, or it could be that cute new neighbor who needs to borrow a cup of sugar. Do not let these chances pass you by! Your surroundings (if prepared properly) can effortlessly project an impression of sexual confidence without you even having to say a word.

As a slut-turned-sensualist, I've come to ask important questions, like, if I can have wild sex in a nice, warm, soft, sensual environment, why should I settle for rutting in the middle of a slovenly mess? And I can say I won’t be hooking up any time soon with the type of guy who sorely needs to take Setting Moods that Seduce.

Lots of people (especially women!) have trouble leaving their inhibitions and anxieties behind at the door. You can HELP them do that by providing the right atmosphere.

If we analyze my “surprise date,” we can get an idea what it takes to answer the big question: how do I seduce random women who cross my path?

So there I was, a perfectly cute and eligible female who simply did not have sex on the brain at that exact moment. But that was not going to discourage my surprise Romeo! By thinking ahead and preparing a cozy “middle ground” for us to hang out in, he provided me with the physical and mental space to slow down, transition, and surrender to my erotic side.

Let us look at what he did right-
broken down into two simple categories.



In the process, he changed my mind.

1:Work Your Attitude


b>Here is the scoop: Because it is not tangible, “attitude” is not something most guys consider important -- or consider at all -- but in the secret world of girls, we are practically taking notes on it. Whether or not you realize it, intuitive types can read you like a book. The only way to keep the upper hand in this situation is to have your great attitude worked out beforehand! If you project happiness and confidence, your potential lover will see you as happy and confident. That is what they want to see, and they are just HOPING you will seize the chance to show it off so they can feel good about getting close to such a self-assured individual.

You are probably thinking: “That is great news for cheery gung-ho types, but what about those of us who are a little less sure of themselves?” The good news I have for you is that attitude is a shifting perception. You can manipulate it and adjust it. Your attitude does not control you – you control it! Let us say, for instance, that you do not feel ultra-confident about a particular dating situation. You do not actually have to bring this sentiment into the date with you! Just develop three key factors –

pumped-up confidence (it is a muscle)
an attitude of plenty (as in “plenty of fish in the sea”)
and long before you even need them, you will have your pick of eager, available lovers when the proper time comes around.

Bulk up ahead of time on your positive sense of sexiness. Work it in the subway, at the gas station. Then when the date arrives, simply flex.

Trust in the foreknowledge that sex WILL happen for you, and have your sex supplies ready.

There is an always-replenishing supply of willing, available, horny, attractive lovers for YOU.

1:Work Your Attitude



span class="boxheader">EXERCISE


This is a simple exercise you can do by yourself that will do wonders for your confidence. Simply get out a notepad and a pen – and then leave all negative thoughts at the door. Your goal here is to brainstorm (with NO editing) all the wonderful qualities that you have to offer to a partner. Rest assured that no one will see this sheet of paper except YOU, so it is okay to boast a little bit. Sample thoughts could begin like this:

I have been told I have a nice….
I am always willing to try….
I think my best quality is….
I feel really hot when I….
Past partners always commented favorably on my….
I put extra effort into….

Cover every aspect of your self: mental and physical, everyday and erotic. Write down parts of your body that you love, ways you act that you think are sexy, and the great qualities you have to offer to a lover. I repeat: do not delete! This list is meant to be written with an open mind and a loving heart. Keep it in a safe, private place and revisit it whenever you are feeling any doubt about what you have to offer in a relationship.

“Advanced Listmania”

So, you have completed your list of all the great things about your sexual self. While it is definitely “enough” to simply know these things about yourself, there is a lot to be said about sharing them with your potential lovers, too! That is why the advanced form of this exercise is to integrate this information into your profile. Go online and click on “My Account” and then “Basic Profile.” Make that great material work for YOU, by selling your best self on Adult FriendFinder!
1:Work Your Attitude

Simone says: Confidence

Honest Answers to the Stuff You are Thinking

YOU SAY: “I spend so much time freaking out before my date comes. I try to relax, but I keep looking in the mirror and out the window. I am just so sure she is going to hate what she sees.”

What are you really afraid your date will not like? Male or female, chances are, it is just ONE main thing, and you will feel a whole lot better if you spend even a few minutes fixing it. So take a moment to identify whatever is making you nervous, and address it straight on.

Is it your home?
Simone says: “A clean home will impress a date, but your messy place is not necessarily a deal-breaker. Can you try to make it just a little less hopeless – perhaps 10 minutes’ worth of rapid-fire cleaning? Even a small effort says a lot to a guest. Even if you can only tidy up a small area, you can nicely joke that you tried to create a ‘tranquil oasis’ in the midst of the mess.”

Tip: Method makes a line of wonderfully-scented cleaning products available in stores such as Safeway and Target. Their cucumber-scented formula makes your home smell just like a spa.

Your appearance?
Simone says: “Go ahead and look at yourself in the mirror. Chances are, you have already worried too much about what you are wearing, so do not change it anymore – just trust your wardrobe choice and focus on being comfortable in your own skin. Go ahead and use a little mouthwash, then just rely on your smile and natural charisma. That’s what people really respond to, anyway.”

Tip: Hygiene really is important to women, so pretty please with a cherry on top: take that time to shave, deodorize, trim, and floss…. you know deep-down what it takes to look your personal best, so go for it!

Your personality?
Simone says: “Hey, do not forget: this person would not even be hanging out with you if they do not like your personality! However, we all have doubts from time to time about our power to fascinate other people. Remember that the Golden Rule of Dating is “neediness = unattractive.” So no matter how much you like that special person, hold back just the tiniest bit. As unfair as it seems, people are intrigued by that tiny hint of confident, sexy restraint.”

Tip: It hass been suggested that body sprays containing pheromones can make members of the opposite sex more receptive to you. This alleged effect often happens more on the “they are finding me witty and charismatic” level than on the “they are jumping my bones” level… but it is all good, right?


“I Do not Wanna Lurk, I Just Wanna Chat on the Boards All Day”

Do not get me wrong: lurking is cool, if that is your thing. But the people I am talking to right now are the people who really WANT to chat online but do not know how to start socializing with a room full of strangers. They feel shy, they do not know what to talk about, and they are afraid of being rejected or ignored. Sound familiar?

The funny thing about feeling self-conscious is that it feels like the most OBVIOUS, GLARING FAULT IN THE WORLD but it is actually TOTALLY INVISIBLE. At any social gathering – be it an AFF chat room or a cocktail party – rest assured that fully half of the people in the room are feeling shy or self-conscious because no one is talking to them. The irony is, they should all be talking to each other! The mental trick is simply to assume an air of confidence and truly FEEL that you are good enough to speak to anyone at the gathering. (You are!) Then, throw out a topic or two. Of course, it is simple for me: all I have to do is say “I am a straight girl looking for sex” and I have all the attention I can handle! But men may have a harder time getting things started – so here are a few icebreaker ideas for you. As with all interactions, keep it easy, enjoyable, and pressure-free for the best results.

Try these icebreakers:
* Try a simple game of “Have You Ever?” with the questions getting progressively naughtier.
* Pick a popular, current movie with more than one romantic lead and ask others which is more “their style.” (Example: ask women if they prefer Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, or George Clooney in Ocean’s 11 or 12… you will definitely learn something about what kind of man they like!)
* Suggest a game of “Two Truths and a Lie” -- participants write down three facts about themselves, only two of which are true. Everyone debates, discusses, then reveals.

As for real life? If you find yourself alone at a party, just look around the room for someone else who is also at loose ends. Then, simply approach them with a sincere, “I do not know anyone at this party. Would you mind if I joined you for a moment?” ...Chances are, they will be grateful you approached them!


HOLD EVERYTHING! Being prepared means having your supplies ready and close at hand, and that applies equally to massage oil, safe sex supplies, and beverages. It is simply not acceptable for you to interrupt a mind-blowing make-out session just to fumble around like an idiot in the dark with your penis bobbing about! Anything that will facilitate the sensual experience should be close at hand and graceful to grab. Try under the bed or in your trusty nightstand drawer.
span class="boxheader">EXERCISE

“The Perfect Jump Shot, the Perfect Kiss”

Many professional athletes swear that “mental rehearsal” helps them achieve more when it comes to their game. If a basketball player benefits from simply standing at the free throw line, mentally visualizing his jump shot, you can benefit from visualizing an entire seduction. Try a guided re-creation of a particularly successful past conquest, or focus on the future by playing positive “mental videos” of great ways the date could end.
FYI: as much as you may think of sex as the ultimate “competitive sport,” remember that it is actually a cooperative effort, and the best outcome is when everyone wins.
Simone says: Preparedness

b>Honest Answers to the Stuff You are Thinking

YOU SAY: “It is all fine and good to tell me to trust that sex will totally happen for me – but then you turn around and tell me not to pressure anyone for sex, ever! Why do you give out these two conflicting pieces of advice?”

Simone says: Because you have to be comfortable with a certain amount of “doublethink” in your seduction technique. “Doublethink” is the term from George Orwell’s classic novel 1984 that described the capacity to simultaneously hold two opposing thoughts in your mind without suffering mental discomfort. While that is very dangerous in politics, turns out it is great for seduction! Human beings are extremely peculiar animals! If you tell them to do something, they will not. If you tell them not to do something, they will. That is why every woman I have talked to agrees: The less you ACT like you want to get laid, the better your CHANCES of getting laid! So embrace the seeming contradiction and ooze every bit of “I-do not-really-care” confidence you have got.

HOLD EVERYTHING! A typical mistake of your average-guy-trying-to-get-it-on is to focus too intently on ONE potential partner. They may do this by idealizing that partner to the exclusion of all others, or by taking too short a view of their dating life. Life is long, and you will meet hundreds if not thousands of people in your time here on Earth. Each one is a potential sexual partner.

“Creating Your Own Reality -- an Experiment”

Self-actualization experts actually suggest going beyond the “preparation” stage and urge people to actively try to create their own new reality. While this probably sounds a bit far-fetched, they insist that the changes this can bring to your life and your perspective are worthwhile. If you are lonely, they say, do not just mourn the situation: set up a space for your new partner to fill. For instance, create a side of the bed for them, complete with side table and lamp, and set a place for them at dinner. These symbolic acts of entertaining a sex partner will keep your goal foremost in your own mind. And you will be putting your intentions out there for the right people to pick up on. Take a moment to create a place in your home that symbolizes who you are trying to attract.

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tO hAVe FuN wiTH mY liFe aND aLsO wAnT mY loVED oNeS tO hAVE tHE SaME tOO. :) bUt iN rEAL LiFe tHaT sHouLd bE sOOn.