Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Wednesday - Another shitty day.

Started badly from the beginning....waking up not feeling "well". A bad headache and having a slight cold too...but the headache really bothers me esp only on one side of my face and head. Took the extra strength Panadols...maybe help a little but still can feel the discomfort.

Went to see the doctor again....walau this is my forth visits in a month and not counting to the TCM chinese physician. This is a record of sort that is not what I had in mind.....

Maybe with my present situation with the headache and running nose....I really shouldn't put all my hope on any "pre-plan" thing, unless I can take disappointment.
Esp after what happened last week, when also "kena played out" by the Indonesian....when I changed my own "happy plan" schedule to suit them to rush home to wait for their calls or sms. By the time, they finally sms at 6+plus pm, I realised that I got "fucked" by them....I was really fed-up and at the same time, angry with myself for being so dumb and trusting.

Yes....since the start of me not feeling well...about one month ago now, there were many things that "screwed up" in my face. My lady boss....acting like a crazy woman just becoz she felt she is being sandwiched in between by a new sn manager and another manager below her. So when things don't go her way...shit, she got "MAD" with the very people who always supported her and never even think of giving her any trouble. Guess it is always easier for some people...who tends to take advantage of others who are always "nice" to them, so sad...WHY must this always has to be like this?

SIGHED....:( and maybe I have never learned my lesson like for putting all my eggs in one basket. Just don't know...if all these were due to my "bad or suay period". Have said before...that I went to the Waterloo Temple last month to seek the divine stick but got a bad stick...No 52, about a guy trying to catch the moon by seeking out the moon on the surface of a pond. It was just an elusive dream from the start.

So...today things ended badly for me, how I wish things turn out different. A simple wish that it turns elusive too.


Unknown said...

if u can wait, next week will be a better week

Unknown said...


wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

lucky for me....the promise is kept. Thanks honey!


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tO hAVe FuN wiTH mY liFe aND aLsO wAnT mY loVED oNeS tO hAVE tHE SaME tOO. :) bUt iN rEAL LiFe tHaT sHouLd bE sOOn.