Friday, May 25, 2007

The Book of Women - by Osho

Man and Woman Differ Basically… (Part 6)

One famous actress said once – when she said it people thought she was very humble, modest, and actresses are not expected to be so – she said, “I know I am not a very beautiful woman, but what is my opinion against the opinion of the mirror? What is my opinion against the opinion of the mirror? I know I am not a very beautiful woman, but the mirror says, ‘You are the most beautiful.’”
They go on standing at the mirror for hours looking at themselves. A man cannot even imagine what is happening.

Mulla Nasruddin was killing flies one day and he told his wife, “I have killed two women and two men, two male and two female flies.”
His wife was puzzled, she said, “How did you come to know which was male and which was female?”
He said, “Two were sitting on the mirror.”

Women are more body-conscious, more body, more grounded – that’s why they live longer than men, four years longer than men. That’s why there are so many widows: they always exhaust the husband first. One hundred and twenty boys are born to one hundred girls, but by the age of fourteen twenty boys have died, and nature maintains its balance. Just to maintain the balance, nature gives birth to one hundred and twenty boys per hundred girls, because those hundred girls, by the age of fourteen, will still be a hundred, but twenty boys will have disappeared. If you are so restless, your restlessness dissipates energy.

If everything is taken into account exactly, then woman is the stronger sex than man: she lives longer, she is less ill. She may pretend, that is another thing, but she is less ill – more healthy. Life is stronger in her; she can resist diseases more easily than man…. Women have more tolerance, more resistance; they are more protected, because they are more body-grounded.

Man lives in his head, he is more mental.

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