Friday, May 25, 2007

Emotional Wellness -Transforming Fear, Anger, and Jealousy into Creative Energy - by Osho


About: Emotional Wellness
How do we reconcile our need to express our emotions with our desire to get along with others? Far too often we find ourselves trapped in this dilemma of “expression” versus “repression.” We fear that by expressing our true feelings, we will hurt and alienate those close to us. But by repressing our emotions—even in the benevolent guise of “self-control”—we only risk hurting ourselves.

Here, Osho provides a practical and comprehensive approach to dealing with this conflict effectively. Emotional Wellness leads us to understand the roots of our emotions, to respond to situations in a way that can teach us more about ourselves and others, and to navigate life’s inevitable ups and downs with greater confidence and equilibrium.

o The impact that fear, anger, and jealousy have on our lives
o How emotions like guilt, insecurity, and fear are used to manipulate us
o How to break out of unhealthy patterns of dealing with strong emotions
o How to transform destructive emotions into creative energy
o The role of society and culture on our individual emotional “styles”

Excerpt from Emotional Wellness
Emotions cannot be permanent. That’s why they are called “emotions”—the word comes from “motion,” movement. They move; hence, they are “emotions.” From one to another you continually change. This moment you are sad, that moment you are happy; this moment you are angry, that moment you are compassionate. This moment you are loving, another moment full of hatred; the morning was beautiful, the evening is ugly. And this goes on. This cannot be your nature, because behind all these changes something is needed like a thread that holds all of them together. Just as in a garland you see flowers, you don’t see the thread, but the thread is what is holding all the flowers, in the same way these emotions are all flowers. Sometimes anger flowers, sometimes happiness, sometimes pain sometimes anguish. But these are all flowers, and your whole life is the garland. There must be thread; otherwise you would have fallen apart long ago. You continue as an entity—so what is the thread, the polestar? What is permanent in you? - Osho, Emotional Wellness

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tO hAVe FuN wiTH mY liFe aND aLsO wAnT mY loVED oNeS tO hAVE tHE SaME tOO. :) bUt iN rEAL LiFe tHaT sHouLd bE sOOn.