Friday, May 25, 2007

I Am the Gate - by Osho

Excerpt from I Am the Gate, Third Edition

“Open to trust. Then there is chain reaction; then you come into touch. And the touch is not a touch — it becomes part and parcel of your being.

"Really, we are not as isolated as we feel. All the isolation is because of the closing attitude of the ego. Otherwise there is no separation, no isolation. You are not so different from me. You are not so separate from me. If you are, it is only the isolating ego. If the ego is not there…. And the miracle of trust is that if you trust, you will not be an ego. These both cannot exist simultaneously: if you trust you cannot be an ego, if you doubt you cannot be other than an ego. If you trust then you are not an ego – the isolation is lost. You are open. That opening….

"Then it is not that you are taking anything from me. There is no ’me’ as such. It is not that you are taking something from someone else. It is only that you yourself are reflected — in your own self. It just looks separate because of the ego. If you are open then the chain can continue for centuries.”

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