Sunday, March 16, 2008

Tibet's protests and the Dalai Lama

Till now....I always have a great respect for him for his knowledge of Buddhism and as a living god-king but with the present troubles in Tibet, I do question his intention.

Why now....esp with the Olympics coming up on 08/08/08, to me the westerners and their NGOs are making uses of him to cause trouble now to force China's hand. On one hand Buddhist we are told that all lifes is scared and with all the protest marches in China, surely a simple fool will be able to tell that someone will die. Now to me....the Dalai Lama's hands is strained with blood and he has lost his moral authority to preach the religion.
Maybe he may want to think carefully before he send more people to die / kill. all religions, there is always some selfish acts by some of the leaders that will cause "senseless deaths and bloodshed". I am both sadden and angry
by all these deaths.

I am not siding with the Chinese also....I just think others should not pay the price for some of these leaders to gain back their lost powers! To me....somehow these so-called leaders are always out of harm ways. What a bull-shit!

1 comment:

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

just look at the newspapers....all these protests in China and in all other major cities in the world.

what these protestors acting violently they really lose more of people's respect than gaining that esp from fellow Buddhist.

Just not right....wrong message to send. Blameful!!!!


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