Thursday, October 02, 2008

Stock market up-date goes "yo-yoing" the whole day even when it was confirmed that the US higher house has okay the US$700 billion bailout plan. Immediately after went up by more than 30 plus points then within 10 started to fall back and even into the "RED". Same for the HK market and markets all over the World. slowly recovered when the European markets open higher and that did help stablised the HK market which in turn help our market here in S'pore.

FerroChina....was at 61c then shot up to 64.5c....then again fell back to 60c at one point before recovering to close 1c higher at 63.5c. Same goes for China also closed higher by 1c to 39.5c. My cost was at 64.5c for FerroChina and 43c for China Sky.

As I blogged now....the US market again is still staying in the "SOUTH" by more than 230+ points due to some employment datas showing the jobless claim went up. Sighed....shit! morning things will improve.


wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

almost everyone will be impacted if the situation didn't improved soon. is the interest of the government to be seem as it is doing something to help the people esp those in the main streets and not the fat cats with huge cars/houses.

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

now....with almost all things getting expensive to buy and use, the power bill will be "up" by a huge 21%.

So funny esp .....with oil prices going down and this happened. Just don't seem to understand what the hell is happening.

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

had....a funny feeling that the bailout plan may get struck in the US Congress tomorrow.

and in that keep a low profile soon.

Anonymous said...

Another hr to go....and the index is at it's worst point. Minus 300
shit...with this then tomorrow's opening here will be also in deep shit lor.

Anonymous said...

wah at minus 350 points.
so powerful.


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