Saturday, April 18, 2009

Ran into a Malay motor-cycle gang

Yes...on Thur night when I went home half day at around 1.40am. This bunch of idiots was showing off to their gfs who was riding pillion. I was turning into the side road leading to Punggol on the Sengkang Road above the TPE.

They were cycling on 3 motorcycles with 3 guys and 1 gal....and suddenly one of them cut in front of my car then slowed down. I have to jam on my "brakes" and in doing so, accidentally on my "high deem" which these idiots took that I was finding faults with them. They then follow me to Punggol Road...and when I was about to turn into my block carpark, I signal that I am turning to the left into my carpark which they thought I signal them to challenge them to stop. Mother-fuckers!! one of them started to point his middle finger at me and I pointed back. He stopped and I stopped too...I came down and fucked him off. His friends...quickly turn back as they were ahead on a one-way road....( they think their fathers owned the whole road as it was late with no traffic ).

Guessed I too lost my head....and was ready for a showdown with them but I noticed that I am totally out-numbered. Somehow...I still stood my ground and "eveready" to cut down the nearest one if they ever touched me with my car's key in my fist. I was aiming for his face or neck if the whole thing has to come to a fight as I was on the road with them all surrounding me...btw my car's key is 2 inches long and make a nice weapon. After 5 mins of fucking each other on the road...I told them to fuck off and go and die for all I cared. Funny....they too made lots of shouting but took no action to push or attack me. I think....becoz I show no fear in front of them and that may have prevented them from doing any thing crazy to one against 3 young men ( all bigger size and taller than me but I am not about to stand down ). I told them off too on that, and that they were bunch of fucking cowards. One of them told me that they were playing with each other on the road and were not trying to cut into my path which I fucked them off again...telling them if they are playing on the road then they would be better off to go play in a room with their gf then to disturb others on the road. POWER!!!

Lucky I didn't called them "babi"...malay pig, guessed since I just fucked them without any sensitive thing. They are kind of not too pissed off lor even with me calling them mother-fuckers and cock-heads!! That to them is okay they must be quite dumb after all.

Then...I realised that it was no point for me to continue, so I got into my car and drove off but instead of turning into my carpark I turned into Punggol Central Road. I don't them to know where I stay mah since they were following me earlier. But they didn't follow me this time....then I turn one round back to my place. They rode off towards Punggol End. I didn't tell my wife or anyone.

The whole incident was just pointless....but I do learn one thing. I am getting old....becoz I realised I cannot take on all 3 idiots at once and if I did, I would not be around anymore becoz I won't give up or beg for mercy....and worst is that I would also seriously do harm to one or two of them which is also against the law esp maybe for blinding them or worst killing them? If my aim to the eyes - sure kena blinded, or the neck....also bleed to death as the cut actual kena the artery., this uncle will try my best to calm down when driving on the road. Just not my business to get angry if others want to kill themselves by fooling around or speeding. I better cool down....and not get angry since that I am no longer the same 30something guy I once were hehehe. Cannot be hero anymore....hehehe.

Just don't quite understand where are all the policemen doing at that hour and still got some mother-fuckers who have nothing better to do cycling their motorcycles and playing the fool on the road at that hour then sleeping or fucking at home. Their motorcycles too....modified and making lots of noises and unless the policemen are deaf they should stop them and book them for a nonsense on the road.

So....I will never pity any youngster getting maim or worst killed on the road anymore after this incident. Yes...this goes for the chinese, indian or malay youths.
Guessed nowaday....they had too much free time and nothing better to do. Frankly I am quite other word, I am not a racist at all. This time too bad that I run into a Malay gang. Also...I think the Malay gang is not as aggressive as a pack of chinese or indian youngsters. Have experienced the same thing before with 5 Malay youngsters....yes! they acted tough but they also became "surprised" if suddenly one guy suddenly stand up to them. While for chinese youths...they will not take this lightly and will hit back....same for indians too, since they are more and bigger sizes too. choice but to just attack back on their leader, if run also cannot out run them. Stand and fight to the death lor.


wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

funny...with young punks, must not show fear or that will be a signal to them to attack.

just stood your ground but slowly back down, that is why they are surprise and caused them to wonder how this old man still got the "balls" to fuck them off...who the fuck is this old bird?

when they are still wondering...back down and steadily get away hehehe, I was surprised too by my action. The one making the loudest noise was me!

sighed....managed to live and tell!

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

yes....they were caught by surprise by my reactions.

luckily I have a common sense to realise that too long with them, they will wake up and realised that they had the upper hand all the while.

guessed now...they looking for my car for revenge hehehe.

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

yeah....lately can see more of these idiots on the road esp heading to Punggol end during the weekend.

Just wondering what the dumb policemen are doing??? must be sucking cock in the police cars or under the bushes.

wINtoTo N aLSo 4D...yEAh! said...

or maybe these policemen are just deaf and blind.


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