Friday, November 12, 2004

2nd night at work...friday

Walau........already the 2nd night, only left with one more night then rest again. Felt better today becoz I went to pray pray at Waterloo St temple then go breakfast alone. Praying partners last minutes back out to go. Anyway...also no problem for me to go alone, more peaceful too. Can do things by like walk very fast and run across the road hehehe. If go with the aunties I must lookout for them and take a slow walk. I managed to get home by 9:20am but already cannot keep my eyes open. So so sleepy!
Prepared breakfast for my old man then read newspaper till I fell asleep hehehe. No dream becoz too tired. By 3pm+, getting restless but still keep eyes shut.....
Now at! busy start. Friday....closing day again! Gotto do my best to motivate the leads/floats/operators to do well. Also attended meeting with HR regarding conversion of shift incentives. Man! also got to deal with the iron-mouthed counterpart ( dargon lady from Burma ).
Such pain in the ass type....well, I know what I need to do hehehe.

Man....1st day of work.

Yeah man....1st day of work and things gone badly for me. Not my fault but somehow the blame fell on my shoulder and the boss went mental. Shit...others screwed up and push the blame on me. Damn fxxxer!
Guess....women don't made good bosses, never hear themselves giving orders and also the first person to forget their own order which they gave me, I called "selective recalling". So for do also mati and not to do also mati....both ways "mati".
I have nothing against women and in fact, all my life I am surrounded by women. Wife, daugthers, mother, bosses and friends. Only hope they remember the good as well as the bad....not only the good parts.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Hey....Thursday again

Meaning....that I going to start work tonight after all the "rest".....hehehe, I have got a one "good torturing" rest period. Happy time!!!! I am looking to my rest days again. This make life fun and boil up the blood...not the angry sense but the happy type of sense.
Last night...go for a quickie one but I was so full and still managed to get one in. Ice Kachang and came home to clean up the fish tanks. Sweat out the ice kachang and the chicken rice after 2 hours and it was done for all the tanks. Man!
Before sleep...made choc cake, one big pile of shxxx. A pain in the ass after that...can rest so not that bad. Listen to my music....some nice songs from china, in fact it is from Tibet very cool but wife not happy. Too bad...I will enjoy by myself becoz it was sing with their own language. Sort of "new age style". One of those you like it or hate it type.
Man! time passed so fast....just when I am having a great time.
Thanks to my love one......yes! Agree?

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Dreams....of 10 flowers!

LiFE cAN sTiLL bE GrEAt iF oNE cAn LoOK aT oNeseLF aND rEFlecT oN oNe's paST....tHEn mOveS oN. No oLD baGGaGeS mUSt bE aLLoWed tO bE AttAChed tO liFE. tHeN liFE cAn heAL aLL pAin aND diSappOinTmEnT.
i hAvE dReaMed oF mY deAD moM aNd tHat sHe gaVe aND bLeSSed mE wiTh 10 CoLoUrfUL fLoweRs. buT i rEmeMbER tELLing hER i wAnT 4-D oR tOtO nUmbERS noT fLowERs. heHEhe....eVen moThEr waS trYinG kiD mE. tHaT iS liFe nO nEED tO bE anGry....juSt rEfleCt aND fiGuRe wHat iS sHe trYinG tO tELL tO mE. BuT i wiLL nOt tHiNk tOO mUch....aNy onE waNt tO tRy oR wAnT tO coMmEnt tO kiD mE toO.!

Man! what a life? Before golfing have a nice plate of mee goreng but the best things in life is there is someone to share the food or everything then it tasted great...not just good. What is the no ponit if one person has a big bowl of food then he just eat it all for me, it is okay even a small bowl and there is shared with love one....very fulfilling feel to it. Made my day....complete.
Yes! something can be have with little money spent but it gives great satisfaction. For me...I want to share everything I have with someone close. rub some oilment to my sore shoulder and neck maybe that I didn't go golfing for a long while. More than 4 months range.
Well....will go again if my love one wants to go with me. hehehe.

Sunday, November 07, 2004


LiFE cAN sTiLL bE GrEAt iF oNE cAn LoOK aT oNeseLF aND rEFlecT oN oNe's paST....tHEn mOveS oN. No oLD baGGaGeS AttAChed tO liFE.
yES!!!! mAN....pOWeR tO aLL, sMaLL aND biG iNcluDED. PeaCE tO aLL.

Yes....need help to get this blog to go faster.

Thank you....I need your help to get this thing to go faster or I will have "fits". Hahaha. Anyway I have much to learn in this life time of mine.
Glad to meet nice and sweet souls. See....I still love to look at life with all the goodness and green grass and big blue sky.
Last night....after sending off kids' friends, got home at 12+ already and watch football till 3am then sleep. Wake up feeling like a huge sotong....very blur! Well...checked the football bets, managed to win $19 hehehe with a $250 layout. Power! or stupid? so slow

Guess....have to go back to This site is already over blogged out and it is very slow now as compared to earlier when I first blog here.
Anyway...the advantage here is less ads so less stress. Will be happy for now just thinking that I have the next 4 days and hehehe!
Just wake up after having a good sleep...but got to go fetch family then go for buffets. Kid's idea....just go with them and be sugar daddy to their friends also. Man!!!! my kids eat but still not enough must bring friends.....hahaha. Also me...must go fetch all. Very power!
Kena tortured by them leads and operators at work....then by boss ( lady also ). I must have a revenge!!!! torture my love one? Can? love one pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee? hehehe.


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tO hAVe FuN wiTH mY liFe aND aLsO wAnT mY loVED oNeS tO hAVE tHE SaME tOO. :) bUt iN rEAL LiFe tHaT sHouLd bE sOOn.