Friday, October 28, 2005

Friday....early in the morning.

I shared your sentiment and feeling with regards to "himer"....and it is time to let go of the "regreting part". Just got to move on....for the sake of M & M. Whatever decision made at that moment....believed you must have given it due consideration. And that is good enough for me....I will stand by you on that.
Yeah....the weather is pretty gloomy for the past few days, but remember after the clear up again.

PS-there are things I would want to write down but due to certain constraints, feel it is better left unanswered for the moment.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

One cannot do without the other...

ONE for the ladies:
EVER noticed how all of women's problems start with MEN?
It finally makes sense now. I never looked at it this way before:

MENtal illness
MENstrual cramps
MENtal breakdown
when we have real trouble, it's a HISterectomy.

Okay girls, now it is the guys' turn:
WOMAN has MAN in it
SHE has HE in it
Mrs has Mr in it
LADY has LAD in it
MADAM has ADAM in it
HOSTESS has HOST in it
FEMALE has MALE in it
and so on... the list is never-ending.

So, no need to be proud.
Girls are always incomplete without Boys!

Disclaimer - just for fun.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Man....2 days in a row that I lost my posting which I took 30 min to write down here.
OK....then, I will just make this short and sweet. are not alone in not getting things done according to plan. See this above..hahaha.
Well I just want to share the following with you...and hope your luck and outlook will change for the better.

October 26, 2005 gemini horoscope
Your Wednesday Horoscope
Your recent aggressive stance is about to be dissipated. The illusion of power and control will be the first to go. Accept your status as a novice and things will be easier to cope with.

Yep....this is accurate for me, I know my attitude lately and it is not helping me to win friends. Plus it also add to my aggression and frustration making things hard for my loved ones and friends too. I have already taken steps to change all these....believe or not that I went and bought another buddhist "chant" recorder and put it in my car. Hahaha...and yes, it helps me to be more patient and less judgemental towards others on the road. Now...I have one at home on my alter and I am listening to it while i am writing this. Funny...right? Me...? I have learn to accept my status as a "novice".

Ok....this is done.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Lost my posting for Monday...

hahaha....frankly I don't know whether it is good or not that my posting which I spent the past 30 mins writing was lost when I tried to publish it. Guess this is since it was lost, then I will not write that over again. Maybe it for the better this way....sometime things move in a strange way and we will never know why.
If we asked too many questions then what we get....may not be what we want to hear or see in the first place. So....just let it be.
So far so my day moves along. Have done a few - taken my breakfast and I enjoyed it and the company, rushed home like a mad man to send my wife to the! also lucky too, hehehe i was doing at least 110kph and as I was turning up into Punggol saw a traffic policeman flying from behind....but he went straight. Then went home...put on a small recorder with buddhist chanting and burnt some incense sticks on my alter. Changed out of my cloths and decided to wash all my fishtanks....when done, polished all my brown colored shoes.
After that....watered the plants and trimmed the leaves and sweep the floor. I am very calm and peaceful....especially with the buddhist chanting just beside me on the alter. Frankly I don't understand a single word chanted is so calming. I started doing this since Saturday morning when my "C" team temple going member gave it to me....and she told me to listen to it as she saw that I looked "very troubled" since the start of my workweek from Wednesday. Man! my face shows.....hahaha even when I was so, so busy with all the "shit" works. Yes...I agreed it helps me alot....I was able to sleep peacefully on Saturday when I knew that on that nite...the long knives were out... "retrenchment".
On Sunday...came home and also have a peaceful short sleep, and also received sms from my honey. That made my day....I was happy. Yes, my luck was not good for the past few months even up to now but with this small change to my routine ( listen to the chanting whenever I can ) I can be looking forward to the future with a calm and positive outlook. I want this to last as long as possible......
"Compromise" is the key word that I learn when I started to listen to the chanting. Reminded me that all the recent fighting were very stressful and pointless.....better to appreciate the value of compromise and to stay calm in the face of trouble or "thunderstorm". Clear, bright sky will return when the storm blew over....the most important thing here is still to be able to stand-up.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

A tough week

Walau....lucky that I have seen the end of a very trying week both at work and on my relationship front. Well.....the week is over and I have moved on, just hope that next week will be better. Just got to try to be positive matter how hard to do it.
I have learn that in this world....there are no such thing as "free lunch" for anyone, and even when you are buying your own lunch you may have to wait for your turn in the "Q"....especially if there is a long "Q". Then just too bad, you must be patient and wait.
I was at the new kopitam this morning....and this is what happened. Long "Q" wait becoz everyone also do the same..."wait". If you don't want to join the "Q"....then guess no choice but take something else.
BTW....there are plenty of houseflies too.
When I tried to post this.....hahaha can't even get this published on Sunday.


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tO hAVe FuN wiTH mY liFe aND aLsO wAnT mY loVED oNeS tO hAVE tHE SaME tOO. :) bUt iN rEAL LiFe tHaT sHouLd bE sOOn.