Saturday, March 14, 2009


Aiya....wake up with a tired body, anyway now I am in my office and things are going very slowly tonight as we are having a shutdown. We are the only team working today.

Guessed in life, not every day we can start the day afresh with lots of positive energy too. Like today....I felt shitty and sleepy like the world is without hope. Just stepped into the office....I forgot my batch but on the way to office, already ran into a few slow coaches who drive slowly on lane 1. They are having a relaxing drive since this is Saturday....but they forget to think for others, we can be working mah. Then....the QA auditor and the Process auditor came to see me about their own little trouble. Told them...they have to settle their personal differents and not to bring in into my team space.

Then 4D result....all burnt for today. So much....for good luck lor.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday up-date

Wah....super sayang lor esp on Wed ( lunar 15th 2nd mth ), went to pray pray at most of the usual temple and on my way home I can sensed that things were not going my way. Eg...people walked across my path or car cutting across my right of way to block me off and so on. Still somehow....had a little faith that thing would be better by the end of the day.
So on reaching my home...prepared food for the children and went to rest. Kind of "stoned" as I watched the knock-out football games on cable till nearly 6am, then at 630am gotto fetch wife to MRT. Decided to buy 4D....and aimed to whack 7132 & 7231 fact 36 big 30 small. Total about $400 plus since box all the numbers of that 2 numbers and whacked the numbers with 7 heading.
Shit....sleeping till 7:25pm, woke up see no sms. Gone!!! Went to see telly-tex and SUPER SHIT....2nd prize 7102. And missed out 96K.....COLD!!!
Not easy to have such feeling to whack so big for one set of numbers mah. So sayang lor!!!
Well....low profile again for awhile hehehe.


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tO hAVe FuN wiTH mY liFe aND aLsO wAnT mY loVED oNeS tO hAVE tHE SaME tOO. :) bUt iN rEAL LiFe tHaT sHouLd bE sOOn.