Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Enjoying the simple things in life

LiFE cAN sTiLL bE GrEAt iF oNE will do the simple things in life. Well I drink a can of beer after washing and cleaning up all my fish tanks. I drink while watching TV about the eagle catching monkeys. Man! there is this gaint eagle ( 9kgs with huge tandons on legs as thick as a man's arm ) flying thru the jungle, grabbing gibbons and monkeys weighing about the same as the eagle by killing it's pray instantly when tandons crushed the skull or heart of the victim. Power!
Of course I don't wish to see the death of the victims be it monkey or anything else but since it was on TV I might as well learned that this thing existed...the gaint eagle and it's hunting habits. BTW, cannot feed the eagle with rice or vegetable or grass. Too bad they feed on meat....live and freshly killed animal, in this case monkeys. That's life.
Enough...said. Sighed. Better think of another example of the above....Ya! I know one, I also ate 2 bowls of yummy ice-cream. Man! that is better also while watching football results on ESPN channels.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Monday...and I slept the whole day

Man! I slept most of the day until my boss called me to make noise that I missed an appointment. By that time it was already 3pm and the appointment was for 12:30pm.
Well...at least I had a good rest and now I am fresh as a daisy. Only thing left to do is to wait for my honey so that I can max her screaming. While waiting I have loaded up with more silly and stupid ideas for her pleasure hehehe. Man! that is me. I am here to try to make things happen....fantasies and all.
Life is short and if you think carefully....it is shorter than you know. Meaning the productive years are limited and for myself I am nearing my expiry date soon. So all out....live my remaining productive years like there is no tomorrow.


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tO hAVe FuN wiTH mY liFe aND aLsO wAnT mY loVED oNeS tO hAVE tHE SaME tOO. :) bUt iN rEAL LiFe tHaT sHouLd bE sOOn.