Saturday, October 09, 2004!

yes! one of those days for me too....again. my fish tried to eat the flak fish and the thing struck in it's mouth. Have to play surgon to pull it off from the mouth but jumping up and down....shithead! somehow got it off....and the louhan is saved! but I had fishy smell on my hands plus kena poked by the fins.
Woke up in afternoon...friend called to go listen to mlm. fuck no but kena fucked yes! I go waste my time now....arrrrghhhh! Must learn to say NO! No! No! No! not be a nice guy always but that is my hard to change just becoz of a few fucked shits friends.
Man! angry...............with myself pathetic old me! being made used by others all the times.


Man! this is the best time to look forward days...4 long days to rest & recharge. Especially good becoz the people I faced tonight is pure crabby and let it be....I go look at the smiling faces and I feel better. It is one
of those days for me....even me had to face this type of shit. So that is life. Was reminded of what soap_bubble and drifter's blog...Hope they can see this, just as I have will happen to all and you will not know when and will hit you when you are least prepared by at times the very people close to you....but for me, I just turn the other cheek or just walk away....there are just people who are crabby becoz their period has problem or they are just nasty when they see you happy....and they are close and that is the disappointment.
FUCK....them! for trying to ruin my day but I am stronger than that.
I will think of my happy moments with my love ones and also looking forward to taste it again with my honey.
As I am writing this there are things changing...long lost friend called! at 3am must be damn serious to meet up. the end of it all, it is up to me to choose and I choose to fuck more than getting "fucked".
At work, the old aunties are turning in their graves....just becoz there are new girls reporting to work. These are malay and indian girls....what are those aunties thinking? That I can be interested in those young girls. Man! anyway it is none of their bloodly business as to who I hump....shit heads! And becoz of these, they show me their crabby faces! No matter their husbands got turn off not to mentioned me....old fools.
hahaha! Jealously...the downfall of women especially the old ones and some young ones too...crazy!
Frankly....looking back! me not that bad still can made people jealous without having any close relation with them....but look at it the other way! somethings are wrong here....fuck! have nothing to do with them yet they are jealous....what is happening in this world? I feel flatter but at the sametime confused! Argggh ! fuck them all ....I will still do what I want to do, I don't live my life to other people's liking or expectation. I live for me.
The End....! hehehe.

Friday, October 08, 2004

TakE iT iN tHe FaCE

yes! the world seem cruel at times and whenever bad happens, can always feel it. this type of feeling can and will happen to anyone of us and at any just happen when it is least expected. what to do
to prevent this....? frankly i have no answer. lately i too question myself on many things that happen but i too cannot find a good answer to most of my questions.
i have come to a conclusion....there can be "no answer" to certain question we have in life. guess too there is no right or wrong answer to some of the question. that depend how you look or seek when you ask that question. eg is - why don't men understand women? or why not ask this - why make you women think that men must understand women?
my answer to the 1st question - men like to think in fact and logic while women are very emotional in their feeling. it is not that men don't understand women but men at times, choose the short cuts like pretend not to know. to know invite more personal involvoment and men just want to quick solution to the problem at hand.
for the next question - why not the women said that men have the right to choose to agree to disagree but for women...they won't take this to be the right answer. think again....why not? you can choose to ask questions so we too can choose not to answer the questions.
at the end of it all....there is no answer as to who is right and who is wrong....that depend on the person receiving the answer to accept your answer which then depend on his or her mood at the time too.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

winSoMe loseSoMe

winSoMe loseSoMe


mAn! ReAD mY KiD's siTe....sHe Put mE to ShaMe...hehehe. NiCe bACKgrOunD aNd RoTTen BLoG TalK eNgLiSH....JuST nO iDEa hOw aNd wHeRE sHe pICk uP thE sLanG.
DoES tHis mAkes aNyThiNg SenSe tO U....
Me aLreaDy haVinG a heAdache to TypE tHis....heHeHe!!!

It is Sunday again

Man! isn't the day passed by fast. So far for the past 3 days, I can feel there is a change in my life. As of now I think it is going pretty well....guess! I gotto to wait and see the result again maybe in a week's time. To see whether it is a positive or a bad change.
At work, I am never is happier....met kitty such a refreshing panda. There is if she still don't sleep well in the next few days....hehehe! We pull off a big joke with all the aunties and uncles banging their heads and chests. Anyway it makes me feel "great".....god is a chinese! We are a team..."the oddballs".
Well....went to buy a flat TV pretty cheap now at $799 and still can trade in the old one for $50. Good deal at least help me to get rid of the old 29" one. Thought to get the 42" plasma type but still have got the old set of home theatre and don't know what to do with that. And no trade in for it too. About nearly 5K but it is nice on the wall....class! But wife is more interested with the other be it. Don't want to argue with her, so her get what she wants....anyway I only watch TV on my off days...and mainly footballs and scv programs.
For for 4D and toto...blank :(
Well live and fight another day.....:) :) :)


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tO hAVe FuN wiTH mY liFe aND aLsO wAnT mY loVED oNeS tO hAVE tHE SaME tOO. :) bUt iN rEAL LiFe tHaT sHouLd bE sOOn.