Saturday, September 15, 2007

Looking after sick old folk

Yes! this is one of the hardest thing to handle in life....caring for sick old folk.

The only fear I have now is that myself will end-up like my father....sick and old. Lucky for him that I am still around to look after him....what about next time for myself? Only 2 kids....what is the chance for any one of them to do the same for me?

Life "sucks"

Yes! saw the teacher blogging about his gay lifestyle. gay teacher, later lesbian don't know what! then what will be next?

Guess....people are getting "bored" with life, so want to try something weird for a change. But the whole topic got out of hand when these people start to blog openly their lifestyle esp teachers.

I feel most people are not ready to accept "gay or lesbian" teachers openly yet becoz what message is these "gay teachers" trying to say to the students. In a simple fact....that there are rules here that state "homo-sexual sex between 2 guys is against the laws here". Unless this is is not the time to openly declare one's sex orientation openly if one is still working full-time in some professional post in the government dept.

Me....I'm straight but still it doesn't make any different kekeke. Fxxk! that is how life "suck".


Man....didn't realise that I didn't up-date my blog for so long. The problem is "time" and motivation, just don't have that to write at all.

Life has kind of turn stray for life is even worst and not to mention
sex life which is at best once a month or 2 months thing. Kind of lost that urge too.

Lately....luck is also on the down side, more "down" days as compared to "up" days.
Frankly I know sex lor. Man lives for sex....woman for money and love. So gotto meet somewhere so that we can get what we need.

China also lost that "touch" with them even with some of them working under me. Just don't have the mood to chat them up....or should I say, don't know what to say to them to motivate them to go out with me. No go to score?

The only thing that interest me food, good food....shit! I know I am getting fat from all the thinking of food. Feeling "depress" lately as I don't have a goal to work towards. My AIA work....also down in the pit, thinking of giving it up.

Looking at share market....this is even worst becoz one way or the other, it causes more "depression" esp when you lose money or earn less profit.

Just feel....lonely and I bottle-up all my negative energy inside me. No wonder, I am as cranky as my old man.


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tO hAVe FuN wiTH mY liFe aND aLsO wAnT mY loVED oNeS tO hAVE tHE SaME tOO. :) bUt iN rEAL LiFe tHaT sHouLd bE sOOn.