Thursday, August 06, 2009

Still blur....

Latest....maybe going by end of june next year instead of end of dec 2010. Due to market conditions.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

May GOD help me

The end is near.....hopefully things will turn out to be okay. Now that my other part-time jobs also not doing any better and not going anywhere too.

4D, TOTO and share market....with me keeping a tight rein for all these activities the likely hood is this helping me will be slim. No to kena! But buy no will result in over budget and I shall be in Deep-shit faster too. Unless there is a signal somewhere....if not, I will continue to rein in these activities.

Like the chiam-see's advice.....pray to GOD for help!

wed....5th Aug has already said that the plant will be shut-down for good by the latest end of Dec 2010. Well, just too bad for us as I was looking to work till I retire. So guess I have to change my plan and start to rein in all my expenses from now on. Luckily I didn't go buy a condo if not....I will be in deep shit now.

Now can only look forward to the next year and to see what else I can do, but for the moment....everything is a blur. SAD lor....still what to do. Must get out of my comfort zone to look for other options. What is good is that the company gave us ample notice to plan for ourselves. No fault of the company to close this plant due to higher cost as compared to other countries.

Went to pray pray at Waterloo temple and asked for chiam-see....drawn no 99, it is about a worn-out horse and it is no use to continue to whip it to make it go faster. is best to keep low profile and watch out for people who may cause me trouble. is a bad chiam-see hor and the advice is to seek and pray more to God.

Anyway....after the company's news and this chiam-see thingy, I shall cut down all expenses as much as possible and at the same time....stay out of any high profile activities. End of Dec 2010....will be near too.


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tO hAVe FuN wiTH mY liFe aND aLsO wAnT mY loVED oNeS tO hAVE tHE SaME tOO. :) bUt iN rEAL LiFe tHaT sHouLd bE sOOn.