Friday, October 14, 2005

The sex sense

It was from a recent study by researchers from US and Britain done on 16000 men and women surveyed. Titled as Money, Sex and Happiness.

The finding is....that regular sex makes people happier than having more money and it associated happiness with frequent sex. They also did not believe that increased wealth had much connection with long-term happiness.

Sex is one of a relatively few bodily experiences that can actually create a natural high. Sexual arousal releases neurochemicals such as dopamine and endorphins from the brain which stimulate feelings of pleasure and contentment. Other studies also list many benefits of regular safe sex like : lower mortality rates, reduced risk of prostate cancer, heart disease, improved digestion and memory, better posture and less frequent bouts of flu, among other things.

Emotionally....these studies speculate that sex can also boost self-esteem, induce a positive outlook on life and ease depression.

It was also found that it was not the act of sex itself but the sexual intimacy is the key to the whole issue at hand. And sustaining such intimacy is a much trickier business than inducing sexual passion. During orgasm the body releases greater amounts of a neurochemical called oxytocin which is sometimes nicknamed as the "love hormone" because it is an anti-depressant and anti-anxiety hormone. It creates feelings of calm and a sense of connection so it actually shapes how you view the world.

Crazy Thursday

First....done all my duties in the morning eg sending the youngest kid to school, then sending wife to MRT station....then went home to cook breakfast for the old man and also prepared a packet food for the eldest kid to bring to work. At 8:50am sent her to work and at the same time went to fetch the youngest one back from school on my way back.
Prepared breakfast for the youngest one and stand-by lunch for her and the old man. Read some newspapers before going to to rest for work, but somehow sleep was a hard thing when the mind ran out of control. Just staring up at the ceiling, also my bro in the same direction....thinking of my honey. Then the crazy ideas of sending sms with pic to her...shit!! at the same time I worried that I "pissed" her off and she would be angry with me. One part of me was trying to be cheeky and notti....while another was trying to prevent WW3. Still the cheeky side won....hence the sms with pic.
Walau...when I rec'd my honey's replies, kind of worry becoz she really seem to be in strict mood. Just like a teacher....short sharp answer. Cheekiness gone...hehehe, so I struggled to get some sleep....and this went on till 5:20pm. Time to wake up to cook again and to get ready for work. Sighed.
At work.....shit, a nightmare again.... the day team left a lot of things for me to follow-up and the boss came and added more pressure saying that she expected me to close everything at midnight as usual. Work.....and push like a mule but very focus ....but behind my mind I was still thinking of what it would like if my honey can meet 3 days off but at the end, sighed not free. A huge letdown becoz at the start of the week....things were so wonderful....the tuitioning was a feasible plan according to her and I am counting my chickens.....and eggs.
Yes...I read her blog but end-up more confused...left wondering was that meant for me or for someone else. Read and read....but still not fully comprehend it. POWER!!! look like a 3 in 1, anyway....things clear up when I rec'd her sms asking about my work. So happy....I walk with a spring under my feet. See....the power of a loved one. I even closed the whole day's commit and things turn 'rosy" for me again. Like I are even stronger than ganja to me hehehe.
Yes....I look at your emails about the same time last year, you were also very busy and we didn't have time to meet for 3 whole weeks....but I hope this year you just keep it to 2 weeks. It is already a hell of a time for me....I underwent "cold turkey" treatment for 2 weeks so please honey....must try harder to meet next week. Time is for manage.
Hope my honey....won't fault me for blogging this. Felt better to blog this down....

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Thought for the day....Wednesday

Aren't the 'good things that come to those who wait'

just the leftovers from the people that got there first?

My Love.......about me loving you.

Ask my eyes to stop looking at you...

Ask my brain to stop thinking of you...

Ask my imagination to stop dreaming of you...

Ask my heart to stop beating....ask anything but

don't you ever stop me from loving you.

This week....another disappointing one too.

Yes....going to start work again tomorrow. Guess.....I have to put this week down as bad and depressing as last week. For the second day....was okay, got to see my honey. Great even was just to send her and her friends to school....a 15min trip at most. and my big mouth....speak too soon and the rest of the week just turn into a nightmare....
This week more of the same....start ....looking good.... then turn out to be a waiting game with the game not showing at all.....felt like shit. Really sore.....with my life but still holding out that things will and can change....
Just zero all the way.....not able to move, i felt like my whole life is put "ON HOLD" and it is due to my own fault. My own doing....
Like yesterday....whole day laying on bed looking up at the ceiling....thinking and wondering about what the fxxk happening to me....why did I end up like this? the time I realized that it was dinner time it was already 615pm......shit, no time to cook also. mood to cook too. Just go pick up wife and children to go for seafood at Punggol Marina....Ubin Seafood. The food was just so least managed to enjoy my family's company for a change. Man! my wife could see that I was vex....and she asked me about it, but managed to blame it to the fish bone that struck in my throat. Shit....big fish but still I didn't put my full focus when eating it. Really there was a bone in my throat...but I got it out. The whole day....just eat half a bowl of bean curd then last till the seafood dinner. Didn't eat much too but saw my family...enjoyed the food esp the crabs....big fat sri lanka crab ( one for one ). Felt better becoz I don't want to let my depression ruined their mood...."no man is an island" like the saying goes. After that we went for a long walk with the family along the marina to watch people fishing and preparing their boats, and checking out the whole place and facilities. A quiet place.....luckily no mosquito.
It is really no live this way....believe me. Becoz now....I have to look how I will manage to get thru work....from Thur to Sat again, plus my insurance work to cope especially when both lady bosses are at my tail lately.
Yeah...rev'd my honey's email....just now, helps calm my mood.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Are all animal born equal?

I have just finished reading George Orwell's book "Animal Farm"...a book with themes on inequality and corruption of power, in an easy to read fable format. Now, I can't necessarily say that Western civilization is exactly parallel with the storyline of this book, but something did stand out to me--the famous line "All animals are created equal, but some are created more equally than others."
This makes me think of Thomas Jefferson. The U.S. founding father proclaimed that "All men are created equal". As we well know, Jefferson's idea of equality didn't extend to all races. Time has helped to create more racial equality, although there is still need for improvement.
In these days, the most prevalent form of discrimination and inequality is The world is divided between the haves and the have nots. Economic inequlities in the western world, and even the entire globe is on an increase when it should be decreasing with all the prosperity that surrounds us.
The have nots of New Orleans were left to suffer after Katrina, while the haves were safely spirited away to safer places. The haves of the world are watching the news coverage in the warmth and safety of their homes of the earthquake in Asia, while the have nots are left without shelter. The haves have fat bank rolls and the have nots struggle to pay the rent, even while working 2 jobs--the percentage of US residents who live below the poverty line continues to increase.

PS - copied from the net. I am too free ma....


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tO hAVe FuN wiTH mY liFe aND aLsO wAnT mY loVED oNeS tO hAVE tHE SaME tOO. :) bUt iN rEAL LiFe tHaT sHouLd bE sOOn.