Thursday, December 10, 2009

HK market - Thu

The market started very well....shot up from the start but after nearly 45 mins of trading it started to "tank" and it just went straight down. Again....rumour of the Dubai debt issue re-surfaced together with Greece and Spain. The 2 later countries are also into trouble with debt repayment. By then....seem that the whole Asia's market went "south" by different degree.

At the 1st 30 mins of portfolio shows a $400+ gain but by 1+hr of trading it was showing a $100 loss. By noon....increased to $500+ loss. So....I bought again a couple of stocks.

I went to sleep and at 4pm, woke up to pee. Just go and check on my stocks....wah lan, got one went positive by HK$ just key-in to sell. Last min....sold. At the close of HK market...which was at 4pm our time, the market has somehow recovered most of the loss and my portfolio shows a couple of hundreds positive lor.

The HK market has went down for the past 4 straight sessions....still there were some stocks doing very well. In the T3B mentor's session....we are urged to trade that market and I understand why. It is really a casino....never a boring moment but die also faster if not prepared. Luckily with what I have learned....I ensured that my trades are always covered by "stop-loss" in place the moment I traded. That
nasty shock.

As why use CPF money to trade in SGX? Well....esp armed with this trading knowledge, I am super confident of making money. If the trade....went up during inter-day, can always asked the remiser to change it to cash, that way....can contra and take out the money immediately. If the trade is wrong....then leave it as cpf but even so after some will make money. Just treated it as growing the cpf. Still a win-win situation. I believe this is the faster way of growing the cpf or cash.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

down day for stocks and forex

Forex - stated in the news that the USD is getting stronger vs the majors but in actual, it is getting choppy which made trading call "tough".

Stocks - maybe due for a 20% correction which has not happen yet since the bull run from March. In my opinion, this could happen if there is another "Dubai like problem" in near future or it will come in Jan 2010 after the New Year. If it does...then the market can continue with it's up-trend again from March onwards. I don't see a major sell down any time soon esp the so-called double-dip thingy!

Monday, December 07, 2009

Trading the Hong Kong stock thru using CFD

Yes....a fairly good start esp when the HK market going down 173 points and that I managed to have a HK$500+ in my unrealised P & L report. I was stalking the market and waited till it came down and I made my moves. In fact...I was a bit too early already or less I would have double that amount.

Bought just 1K of OOIL and 10K of Global Bio-Chem for a total of HK$50+K with me having to foot out less than S$2.5K as capital for part of my leverage buy.

Let's the winning run start with these trades!!! Cheers!!!

Forex / stock trading

Well....the reason that why I went for all the above courses is that I want to avoid depending on my luck whenever I traded. That is not a great idea....if you have to depend on just pure luck as we all know that different people has different luck.

Yes....with a good method and the right attitudes towards trading, then trading long term should bring in the money esp since the chances of winning are increased vs just trading on gut feel. That way....luck is the main cause for winning or losing.

What I learned from the to have position sizing meaning spreading the risk and at the same time to use leverage to max out the capital. Yes....leverage is a double edged sword, used wrongly....then can kena huge loss but if used carefully with "stop loss" in place at all times, then it should be just a matter of time to roll in the money. I am that confident of my trading plan esp with the stock screener and all.

Even if would be a short term thingy becoz of the present trading situation esp the stock, it's on the high side but who can tell for sure that it won't go up further or that it will go down tomorrow. Yes???

For Forex....frankly I am not that sure but still with a good trading plan esp with position sizing and stop loss in place all the way, it is a matter of time when I hit the winning run. Btw....I am playing with very small bet per trade as per advice from the trainer and from most of the pro traders. And esp for just gotto learn for doing more trades....and hope your capital last long enough until one hits the winning run. And due to the risk-reward ratio...when placing the bet of 1:3 or 1:2.5 times, the chance of recovering the present loss plus making a passive income is also good. That is my own view....only esp with a trading plan in place!

Really it is not nice to screw-up now since after attending to the lessons plus with all my years of trading and losing. Just time to wise up....and start my winning run soon.


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