Friday, March 24, 2006

Seven-year itch?

Have you heard of the seven-year itch?
Used to describe a husband's or wife's urge to stray from his or her mate after seven years of marriage, this expression appears to have been invented by American playwright George Axelrod in his play 'The Seven Year Itch' (1952) and further popularized by the film version starring Marilyn Monroe (1955).

Some say that Axelrod overheard a reference to the seven-year itch in regards to a skin irritation. The term had its origins with a microbe commonly called scabies. Scabies produces an itching skin irritation that before modern drugs, lasted, on average, seven years.

Scabies aside, do you believe in the seven-year itch? Have you had the experience where a relationship that lasted seven years suddenly went kaput?

I do believe that we can all become complacent in a relationship, but I don't think the seven-year itch is a given. If you strive every day to give your relationship all you've got, and, if, on a regular basis, you make sure to break out of your routines and try something new, you can avoid the seven-year itch like the plague.

Now my ( 2 cents worth ) view on this.....
Hello to whoever taken the time to stop by and read my contribution to the world of Love...
Well, let's just imagine we had no internet, no websites that deal with matchmaking, and no browsing to allow for temptation outside of a relationship that you already had established and is living and loving to the fullest...Trust me...
"There Would Be No Such Thing As A 7-Years Itch..let alone 7-Days Itch!!.... However, since this world has gone high tech...everyone in it seems to be higher than themselves when finding love or even deciding it's good to be in love.
Now remember there was a time when you would not even consider an emotional attachment unless you got to know an individual you met on spiritual level first...( today's generation has lost that gift and not only that but they choose the first in line to be the One....then when the next One who comes along as the Next ).
In todays' world...we have all the means to see the "package deal first" or even the "mindset" in this form we call the internet...(please be aware that every time you meet someone online in meet their mind first..before all else - still remember how I met my honey )
How sad can that be to lust first before knowing why you want to lust at all...I personally thought it was about mind, personality and humor before allowing my senses to take over and then desire. Now it's about how you look, what you do, how active are you behind the scenes, and even how much do you have..before one can even consider you of desire. What you possess seems to make that difference of desire...again I say how "sad" is that...!! Or how long your size play a huge part for a woman's heart.
VERY SAD IN MY VALUE SYSTEM..OF UPBRINGING... As we all know...our ancestors who went on before us...surely are flipping over in their graves wondering...oh my lord...did I teach them that way on the subject of love...?? So this day and time...The 7-yrs itch should be expected when two people copulate or even relate from the standpoint of how do you fair in possessions...whether it be physical or material.
Forget about the Spiritual, the Mental, the Emotional aspects of relating...we are living in a world that has allowed us to think higher than the technology we utilize to meet and to befriend potential mates...."does it not seem that way"
Thank you for letting me share my so-called spiritual insights with you.

This will cause problem...inbalance in sexual appetite.

Some couples are well-matched in the sexual desire department. Others are not.
Most of us are sometimes on equal footing with our partners regarding sexual appetite, and sometimes not.

Low sexual desire isn't a problem, unless one partner has a higher level.
Then it really is the discrepancy that is causing the problem, not the low desire.

And despite the old myth that women are inclined to say, "Not tonight, honey, I have a headache,"
the truth is that in about 45% of relationships with a desire discrepancy, it is the man who has the migraine.
( not me...I am always ready to rock & roll with my honey any time, even now - thinking of her makes my cock stand. She is a truly nasty firm-butt fucker )

It's important not to confuse love with sexual desire.
Many people feel that if their partner loved them (as much as they love their partner),
they would also desire them as much. And it's just not true.

For most of us, our desire fluctuates over time dependent on daily stresses as well as place in the life cycle (adolescence through old age).
But for some of us, low sexual desire can be a function of a physiological problem or relationship issue. Like the one between hubby and wife over any of the following : finanical different, children issue, work-related stress or in-law issue. But at the end of the day, there is a problem that caused this sexual disfunction.
As we live in this modern time....the stress we faced in our daily life often make things worst for our sexual relationship.
Still there are some with a huge appetite for kinky sex...unless they are matched with another of the same appetite than there is a likelyhood of straying. And this does not need to be the 7-yrs itch thing....more like 7-days or 7-months thing for this type of person ( the so-called "born to fuck" type ).

Guess...most of the time, men are unfaithful but time has changed :(

Do you think that most married men are unfaithful to their wives? You're not alone. Researchers at the Kinsey Institute found that most Americans believe that 50-80% of married men are unfaithful.

Is it true? Let's give men some credit here. Findings from a variety of surveys in the last ten years found that clearly less than 50% of men engaged in infidelity (range from 12-38%). This is a big WOW! becoz in the mind of the women, it is usually the men who are likely to stray. How wrong?

In fact, another study of divorced couples found that infidelity was the #3 reason for the divorce, after poor communication and constant fighting ( over whatever issues that crop-up ).

What's the take home message? Instead of spending time worrying about whether your partner is cheating on you, your marriage would be better served by spending time communicating your needs and listening to your partner's.

My ( 2-cents worth ) view.
Well...becoz of the above, even the women here are having a "go" to be unfaithful too. Guess....this is meant to be fair esp in their mind, they usually blamed their men folks for every of their faults.
This is easily verified by stationing oneself at the entrance to any Hotel 81 then you can judge for yourself the fact that there are as many married men and women into this type of behaviour. No more just one-sided anymore even here in S'pore.
Have seen very old couple too....Man! what the fish that old lady does inside the room? So gross.....:(

Nothing better than an old fashion shag!

I was thinking about sex recently -- as one does -- not really my own sex, but sex in general. And I was thinking that I understand why it gets boring in long-term relationships.

It’s not that your partner gets boring, or the sex itself gets boring. I think it’s because the way you VIEW the sex in your relationship gets boring. And that has everything to do with how you were taught to view sex from the very beginning.

From childhood, most of us are taught that anything to do with sex is “naughty.” It’s exciting and titillating . It’s hot. It’s forbidden. When we see or hear anything sexy, we giggle or make a face. In our society, sex is hidden behind a curtain, in the dark or in plain brown wrapping. It’s fun and appealing precisely because we’re NOT supposed to be doing it!

Every first experience you’ve had with sex -- first kiss, first shag, first time with this or that person, first time in an elevator, first time on a plane, first time in the kosher meat section of the supermarket (ok, maybe not that time, but all the other times…) it was exciting, right? It was exciting because you really weren’t supposed to be doing it.

On the other hand, sex on the third Tuesday of the fifth month of the sixth year with your spouse is BORING. Because you’re thinking, I’m SUPPOSED to be doing this. It’s no fun if I’m SUPPOSED to be doing it. There’s no risk. No frisson of excitement.

But why should there be? Why should sex have to be a thrill ride to make it appealing?
I love the feel of a hot shower. I have always loved it. I cannot think of a time (except when I’ve been ruby red with sunburn) that I have not loved a hot shower. It is a great pleasure to me. It is an essential part of my life. It feels good, and it’s never boring. It’s a nice hot shower. That’s all I want it to be. That’s all it has to be. It’s a pleasure.

But not sex. It’s not a pleasure! It’s a little bit scary, and secret and “nasty.” And it’s no wonder people are disappointed night after night. Their outlook is all wrong!

A good old squelchy shag. A warm tumble with another naked body. Even if you don’t have multiple screaming mutual orgasms, it should at a minimum still be rather nice. And never boring.

How can something pleasurable be boring? Are massages boring? Is chocolate ice cream boring? Is scratching an itch boring? Is a huge, multi-toned belch boring? Of course not! Because we enjoy most pleasures simply for what they are.

If the sex you’re having (and this assumes you ARE having it now and then), isn’t a pleasure, before you examine your partner’s shortcomings (oops, sorry about the pun) examine the inside of your head. What are your expectations in the first place?

If you still have that notion of illicit, wanton, stolen couplings with cinema-quality lighting, either you are forcing yourself into an ever-escalating search for thrills, or a flatline of disappointment.

And another thing. Don’t turn sex into something else entirely. Make sure you’re not using sex as a bargaining chip. A debt owed. A conquest. Or a temporary cure for insecurity. How can that be any fun at all?

Before you work together with your partner to make your sex life more pleasurable, make certain that’s all you want it to be. A pleasure thing.

Wow....this is reassuring hahaha.


Yes, believe it or not, a new study found that men in their 50s were more satisfied with their sex lives than men in the thirties and forties. In fact, 50-year-olds were almost as satisfied as men in their twenties. Oooh - weeee, guys.

The Norwegian researchers found this satisfaction rating to be true even as older men began to have more physical troubles in the bedroom. Both married and single men were included in the study.

Could it be that men in their 30s and 40s are just more stressed from trying to build their careers while caring for young families? These are certainly the kinds of stress that can keep a person from enjoying all kinds of pleasures.

What's your experience been? Does the sex get better with age? Are you more satisfied with your sex life now than you were ten years ago?

My ( 2-cents worth ) view
Yes! I kind of agreed that is getting better for me. One thing for sure....I can control when to cum and when not to. this, the chance of getting my woman to have a cumming session is greater. I go for "quality fuck" rather than "chicken-little type of fucks".

Sex during pregnancy

Unless your doctor says otherwise, sex during all three trimesters of pregnancy is not only fine, it's healthy! You may want to vary your activities from what you usually do; in fact, you'll probably have to because of your changing body.
Many couples worry about the effect of sex on their unborn child. But the good news is there is no adverse effect. The fetus is well-protected and unaffected by any pleasure the mom-to-be might be experiencing.
Some women feel more sexy during pregnancy, some less. Some men find their partners sexier during pregnancy, some don't. What will actually happen is that your sexual desire and "those sexy feelings" will ebb and flow over the course of the pregnancy.
You will probably want to experiment with positions (especially third trimester, when you're at your largest), vary the frequency, be flexible with activities, and most importantly of all, communicate well with your partner. Hormones will be fluctuating, all kinds of new feelings will arise, and your physical being will be changing dramatically.
Try your best to go with the flow, and don't forget your own satisfaction along the way. So have fun....

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The future for Gemini?

Your Wednesday Horoscope
Look for the next few weeks to deliver answers to intense and personal questions.
The satisfaction that comes from having a direction in life will make this a great day.
Ask yourself the big questions about the meaning of it all.
Okay....only time can tell the answer that I seek.


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tO hAVe FuN wiTH mY liFe aND aLsO wAnT mY loVED oNeS tO hAVE tHE SaME tOO. :) bUt iN rEAL LiFe tHaT sHouLd bE sOOn.