Friday, February 25, 2005

The 10 million dollars "Ang Pow" Toto draw.'s over and 8 lucky souls became instant millionaires. As for myself, my outlay was at $125 and I kena back $50...on the whole still negative by $75. It could be worst same like the past few years...all gone, no smell.
As for the football bets, I more or less on the break even. Win some lose some....just for the sake to try for fun. 4D also no good smell for a long while back.
I am getting sleepy....
Missed my honey....but she was in a dark mood, stressed by the HOD and her boss. Guess one cannot do what one wish for all the times....if it is 40/60 still I got to try.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005


Guessed life moves on with or without different to the world. Like the old saying...time and tide wait for no man!!!
So...with this, it is up to us to make ourselves "happy and fulfilled" whenever we can. That much we owe it to ourselves to do daily if possible. As for me, I feel my day is fulfilled if I can get to see and be close with my honey. Felt good when I am with her...even when she is "distant" or "stoned" by her tight schedules and other commitments. What to say...but since I love her, nothing matters much to me than to see her happy and springing along.
Love....a deep word, easy to say and write but not everybody can actually felt me, it is like a agony....a bitter sweet agony....a butterfly gone mad in the my stomach. You felt empty without seeing the loved didn't want to say good-bye when the day is over and done....feel like heaven and nothing can go wrong whenever she is discription, no actual words can fully state the feeling. An addiction....with no known cure!!! A mental state of mind....that beautiful place called "paradise". Sex done when in love....the most beautiful and powerful combination, a person can experience. I counted myself very lucky on that count, I have felt it when I make love to my honey....until the salty and fishy after taste ends up in my nose for days. Power!!!


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tO hAVe FuN wiTH mY liFe aND aLsO wAnT mY loVED oNeS tO hAVE tHE SaME tOO. :) bUt iN rEAL LiFe tHaT sHouLd bE sOOn.