Friday, July 23, 2010

Week's up-date I recalled what I did during my winning "runs" for my forex trading in early June. Yes....the recommendations from MF Global were spot-on esp for Eur/USD and USD/JPY pairs for the 2 weeks. I was able to quickly made up for all my initial
losses in that time. the 3rd week, there was a screwed-up call and I got whacked....same thing
for the 4th week. 2 wrong calls....and I lose back nearly 30% of total fund. I weren't following any money management system but just pure casino cheonging system
of doubling my new bets all the time while adjusting my SL to prevent stopped-out.

Only until I kena to 2 wrong calls that I realised the danger of the whole silly method. Then....I start to add new methods of using bollinger band and MACD. But
at the same time...I started to "chicken out" on my trades. Put more cushions to
my "limit orders" which end up lesser triggering and me losing my interest for
trading and paying more interest to stocks. After awhile....almost forgotten how
to trade forex again. My confident in forex trading....almost "gone" too. Luckily
my wife started to show an interest and me have to show her how to trade since she
used my Onada trading account to trade. I totally recalled what and how I was able to have my "so-called bullish"
run. Now I think....I can refine the way I can do it again without taking the "added" risk of having huge loss if call is wrong. No changing of SL...for my orders, that way will limit my losses to whatever SL I put into my order while I
will let the winning runs.

I will continue to use the MF Global's recommendation as a guide but I will refine
my new entries using Bollinger band & MACD for my entry and exit.

This week....result for forex, I was able to stop my losses even with some screw-up recommendations and no triggerings.

For Stocks....esp HK market, SMIC is still not doing well....down from 53 cts to close at 50 cts. And me....losing nearly another 30 % of my funding. Now my fund is
at less than 20% of my inital capital. SHIT!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Got this from

Dear Laurence,

How grateful would you say you are? Did you know that your gratitude level can directly affect your wealth and happiness? Now that may sound strange, especially in light of our current economy, but I've seen it time and time again in my work with clients. I have guided many clients whose charts I felt displayed a need for gratitude to bring about positive change in their lives. And I'm happy to say that those who took my advice to heart have reported a positive shift in their lives and a boost in the things they view as good, including increased wealth.

Even financial experts and abundance speakers agree that gratitude is a vital component for increasing wealth and success. This basic premise of gratitude is to acquire a more positive and receptive state of being. Here is how it actually works. Laurence, you begin by being grateful for the smaller and more immediate things like having a place to live, food to eat, and a car to get around, etc. By placing yourself in a positive frame of mind through gratitude, you open yourself to all the good things the universe has to offer.

That is when you can actually begin to attract good things to you, and most of us could certainly benefit from this idea right now. As you become more comfortable with the positive things that basic gratitude brings, you will likely find yourself feeling grateful for even bigger things like being alive, learning hard lessons, your past mistakes, the freedom to make choices in life, and more. This type of gratitude catapults you even further along the path to a successful and happy life. That's because you begin to lose your fear of change or loss and you begin to develop a deep appreciation for the exciting adventure that life truly is.

Once you reach the point where you remain in a constant state of gratitude, you will become a magnet that attracts the positive things to you . . . the things that resonate with who you are and what you desire to do with your life.

So, Laurence, if you are ready to enjoy more happiness and wealth, I challenge you to take some time every day this week to note those things that you are grateful for, from the smallest little gifts to the bigger ones. And may you attract the most wonderful and beneficial things into your life.

Conclusion - well, frankly I never really bother to read thru the whole thing but for today....since I am free, I read this and find it interesting. So I shared it here. harm to open eyes to read things that can help with our daily living. haha


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tO hAVe FuN wiTH mY liFe aND aLsO wAnT mY loVED oNeS tO hAVE tHE SaME tOO. :) bUt iN rEAL LiFe tHaT sHouLd bE sOOn.