Friday, November 28, 2008

Up-date on the happening

Terrorist attacks in India....protest and the take-over of airports in Thailand, then the usual pirates' attacks in Somalia. Beside the above.....earthquakes here and there.

Things don't look good. start slow down and keep a low profile esp for myself. Things are slow....and good if I can protect what I have. Don't think that I will be a hero.

Friday - lunar 1st of 11th mth

POWER....went to Waterloo St temple to get a chiam see. Hold and 77, and it is not a good one. And I really appreciated the advice it gave.

Fortune is made in dream only....and the moment one wakes up the dream goes "pop" and vanished. But all is not lost if one is to wait and to have patient until one's benefactor appears. must pray for health and safety at workplace, then smile will yet come to you.

So....guess I have to control my spending and wait out for the right moment to do any serious investment. In fact....already missed the boat with that becoz I was supposed to buy into Indo Agri on last Tues but just missed out by 1 cent. Bid for 39 cents but went to only 40 cents then stayed there....after on Wed, it started to move up again till todate at 46.5 cents. Guess no luck lor.

On my way to the CTE, I was travelling at about 120kph and as I was over-taking a picanto....the driver suddenly swing into my path and I just stepped on the gas and in one moment....passed him but still whacked into the side mirror. SHIT!!! the beauty was that I was super calm....just drove to the side and waited for him. He drove up and I went up to his car....just stared at him and he turned around to damage to his car then I waved him on. My car....also slight stretch mark on my side mirror and should be able to clean off. Just my luck lor.

He was ahead of me....and when he saw me coming fast, he signaled that he gave way but suddenly he decided to cut back into my path when the car in front of him slowed that time, guessed I am at his blind-side and I didn't horn him. I never like to horn fact what he does was a sudden thing and too late for me to horn to alert him. If...I chicken out then I would have ramped into the barrier as I was on the 1st lane ( fast lane ).


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tO hAVe FuN wiTH mY liFe aND aLsO wAnT mY loVED oNeS tO hAVE tHE SaME tOO. :) bUt iN rEAL LiFe tHaT sHouLd bE sOOn.