Thursday, May 11, 2006

On a movie bling

Yes....lately I am going on a movie bling with my honey, having fun and just holding hands. A movie is incomplete without having the na-chas, hotdog or pop corn set during the screening.
I am very passionate when it comes to watching movies...esp the sentimental ones or the funny korean movies. They are quite fun to watch.....damn serious acting.
Am looking forward to seeing "LIE WITH ME" tuesday together with my honey.

Monday, May 08, 2006

You are my sunshine

Well...the movie does reminds me of my situation not long ago and about myself and my attitude towards LOVE.
A simple....straight forward story about a man's love. Most are simple creatures who love SEX, food, wine and music. Give them that and you control their well-being.
But for me...I find out that I don't fall in love easily or that love even exist hahaha.....then against all odds, I am a victim of it. It is both hell and heaven at the same it depends on the moment of time. LOVE passionately and suffered the "HELL"...then you will appreciate the sweetness of simple moment of being "together" even doing nothing. Just like in the movie...the guy ordered coffee so that the girl can rest...and that he can see her rest and her smile. He is out of the world. Me...too, even just holding your hand or give your hand a massage, makes me "happy"...stupid me hahaha.
True a very deep feeling, there is no need for sex to get the high of it but of course if there is sex....then it will be even more meaningful.
I have my share of partners after you....younger, prettier but none can really replace you in my heart. One way to see if a guy truly love to see how he will go out of his way to please always, not just one time but always....and he does acts "funny or even stupid" at times. I know becoz I do that and I can't help myself about it. I look "cool" when I am indifferent to the girl, meaning I don't really care what happen to the friendship or relationship...just maybe sex which I feel I can get it from lots of issue at all in singapore if you know where to get from.


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tO hAVe FuN wiTH mY liFe aND aLsO wAnT mY loVED oNeS tO hAVE tHE SaME tOO. :) bUt iN rEAL LiFe tHaT sHouLd bE sOOn.