Saturday, April 25, 2009


oh....about the editor who caused the fatal accident and was sentence to be jailed for 12 mth but upon appeal...she just got one day jail.

Hahaha....what a fat joke? Why? Well....becoz she has the money and can afford a good lawyer.

Then...another case of one old rich man who has nothing better to do than to go around his condo to put glue into people's key-holes or damaged other's things becoz they didn't go along with him to sell enblock the condo. He was caught and fined just $700 for that. What more....he just laughed it off saying he spent 3 to 4K a night in a nightclub so $700 was nothing to him when he was interviewed by the newpapers. Just show....what type of justice we have in Singapore. For a illegal caught....he has to be rotan 3 strokes and jailed for 3 to 6 mths...why? Well...he is just too poor to do anything about it.

Oh....yes! about the 3 heroes who wear the kangaroo T-shirt and were sentenced to jail for showing comtempt in court. What do you called what the old rich man action is? That also happen with the nasty neighbours' case...the old man whose family lived in a landed house was interviewed after losing his case against his neighbour and was fined. He too laughed it off....saying he can bloody well afford to pay for the fines.

After all these jokes in our courts....these rich fuckers got to be thrown in jail for a couple of months to learn a lesson. Oh....yes! that should included the rich monk too. Just what a bloody joke? A monk's pay at 20K...or a Church pastor with a
600K/yr paid....and a priest with 8 million of asset ( in today's newpapers ). Man....I must be in the wrong profession. What is going on?????

aiya...4D undate for Wed and Sat

No smell...sighed.

Praying day - 1st of 4th Lunar Month fast, already 4 months gone for this year. Oh...btw I have another 1 month to stay in my present flat, but still have not go for house hunting yet.
has to be soon maybe after the 1st of May thing.

As usual, went to Waterloo St Temple for pray-pray and chiam-see. Again a good chiam-see....No 12. What is really bothering me lately is dishonest lawyer esp since I sold my flat mainly becoz I need the money to clear off some of my debts and to start anew. Read in the newspapers that some crooky lawyers ran off with clients' money and that really hit a spot in me. So...go asked Kuang-Imm about it and luckily it is going to be okay chiam-see. At least...I won't be so moody and worried after this.

Oh...there was a old man dressed like a monk at Waterloo St in front of the temple and he would be giving pieces of red papers written with a 4D number inside. He collapsed onto the floor this morning and the ambulance come for him. He was not moving.....may have a heart-attack. Fast and easy death....I envy him. Have to be happy for him if he is point to live too long esp being poor, worst if poor and sick. I don't think I want that kind of live....if fact, I am ready to go anytime. I have been clearing all the loose-ends so that....when my time comes, hopefully hardly anyone else beside my most immediate family will know and send me off on my last trip to Mandai hehehe. Have also left words that if too hard to drop my remain in the sea....then just flush it down the toilet at Mandai itself. Done and Gone for good.

Looking back at my life...well, not too bad for a screw-ball like me frankly. Not much studying...just somehow met a few good people and loved ones along the way to share and point me the way. I can only was a wonderful journey so far and I rated my life as a "6.5/10" in term of living a good life. And I have my mistakes and also my success....and one thing I really learned from it is not to be too self-critical and to treat myself would have been much more present.

Oh...about lot 12 ( chiam-see ) = good and bad...good and evil is just a short span away from each other. After all the bad is only natural for the good things to follow. You will find that instead of using hemp to cover your would soon be covered with silk, richness and goodness will be yours soon. Just lighten up and enjoy the fruits of your labour.

From the above....I take it as it won't be any problem regarding my money from the flat and also, life would be smoother too. Cross my fingers and pray hard hehehe.


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tO hAVe FuN wiTH mY liFe aND aLsO wAnT mY loVED oNeS tO hAVE tHE SaME tOO. :) bUt iN rEAL LiFe tHaT sHouLd bE sOOn.