Friday, December 09, 2005


Soon it will be bonus time and so I am looking forward to receive my 13th month pay.
Time passed by me so fast....that how I feel for this year.
Anyway....nothing important happen ( good or bad ) so it is alright. A little relationship
issue is the only thorn at my side, and it can be easily settled if everyone put alittle more
effort to make up instead of just "bo chap" about it.

"As a rule, man is born a fool
when it is cold, he wants it hot
when it is hot, he wants it cold
always wanting what it is not"

Guess that sum up most peoples' life. That also included mine too.
Hahaha.......going to say bye bye to 2005 and welcome 2006.
Only to hope that 2006 will be even better for me and my honey.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

At bad start....

SHIT....forget my hp when i went off to work. Got to run back to the house for it.....on the way to the office meet with 3 "blocking-wall devils" ( hokkien ) on the road. 1st one....on the outer-most lane but he was too busy looking at himself on his mirror to control his car, 2nd one...a taxi, drive like no machine under his hood but when I tried to over-take him from the left....he tried to block me off, last one.....a lady, at the traffic light she was still dreaming when everyone drove off becoz she was on her hp. FUCK!!!
Guess....this is one of those "fucked" days in my life.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Going to start another 3 nights of work

Man....another week came and gone, going to go back to work. be it, what else is NEW?
At least....this week, I have done a couple of tasks that need to be done. Saw my honey and
to send the bicycle to her. Settled the insurance premium issue with that there is
one less worry for me to think of., looking to get back to work. But tomorrow, I have got an appointment with the ang mo about his medical insurance need. Another bloodly headache thing. For now....I am taking a step at a time. Just can't able to handle all the tasks and one "go", hahaha prehaps the motivation is not there is long "gone". Just want to take things easy......... for awhile for a change.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Monday....had a nice sleep my battery hahaha so to speak after working for almost 10 nites straight. I really need a "rest" and if possible a "R & R" with my honey. But most unfortunately my honey think "MJ" or "do this and that" is more important. That goes to show how far I have drop from her list of schedule.
Well....just what to say?
Maybe....this? "What goes round will come around again"
For me....yes, I have a fair share of them and I usually paid the price for it. Hopefully I still get what I paid for at the end....... hahaha.


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tO hAVe FuN wiTH mY liFe aND aLsO wAnT mY loVED oNeS tO hAVE tHE SaME tOO. :) bUt iN rEAL LiFe tHaT sHouLd bE sOOn.