Tuesday, April 05, 2011

On last Sunday - chaim for job hunting

Went to Waterloo Temple to pray...1st of Lunar 3rd month, so fast! And I asked for a chaim....got one No 8 which is a good omen. It is about a old pine tree...which get better and stronger as it's ages. So for now, just gotto hang-on tight and wait out for the best job. Once come....grab it and move on with on.

Went about my insurance thingy....and I'm doing the servicing of my clients and talking to them to keep myself busy.

For trading.....not in the picture so, low profile for now! Not in good position to stomach any loss.

6th April

Supposed to take-over the resale flat so that I can work on it before shifting in by before end of May, but something serious happened. One of the sellers passed away and becoz they bought the flat under tenancy-in-common they need a letter of probate before they can transfer the deeds over to me. Meanwhile....I am Fucked! luckily managed to have their understanding that I can shift in by end of this month of instead of waiting for the whole legal progress to complete the sales. That save me the trouble to seek loss of use of flat ( can claim interest of 10% of value of flat which is about 4K per month ). Already people is widow...so no point to push my luck to gain anything. Bad karma if I do that!

So now....blinked blinked and wait for the lawyer to get the legal paper and complete the whole progress.

Meanwhile...looking for job, have already sent more than 20 resumes out during the time I am back till now. A about a week! Yes, have heard from a couple headhunter companies and they have short-list my name for a couple of companies. So...just gotto wait for call to interview. They are mainly from big MNC and esp for their night shift operation which is in my scope.

Many things have changed since my last blog

Yes....but in the end, life moves on. For example....now I am jobless but I do have 2 jobs offered. I rejected one for MBS due to super low pay while the other is a new thing to me so I am holding out for something I am similar with. Manufacturing line.


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tO hAVe FuN wiTH mY liFe aND aLsO wAnT mY loVED oNeS tO hAVE tHE SaME tOO. :) bUt iN rEAL LiFe tHaT sHouLd bE sOOn.